What I Saw And How I Lied
I was rather surprised by this National Book Award winner. I really liked the post-World War II setting and the noir film feel, but I found myself hating the characters. Evie was just stupid in a teenager-who-hasn't-got-a-clue way (which isn't to say I wasn't when I was one). Her parents are both idiots when it comes to her and themselves. I definitely hated Peter who really was a "heel" in my opinion. While the story was interesting and the mystery elements were excellent, I just really couldn't love this book, mostly because of all the stupid things the characters did. That said, it was really well done and the writing was beautiful - it isn't terribly difficult to see why it won an award.
A Northern Light
It also reminded me of the movie Casablanca, mostly for the Bogie references (and all the smoking).
s-factor: !@
Some scattered throughout.
mrg-factor: XXX
Two scenes in particular that are pretty descriptive.
v-factor: none
(though as a side note, there was a lot of smoking and drinking)
Overall rating: **
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