
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Follow-up to Twitterings and Followers

Wow. Really. I am overwhelmed by your answers to my queries! I wish I could respond to each person individually (I don't know how those popular bloggers who regularly get this many responses manage to do it)! So, I decided to write an entire post mentioning all that I learned from your comments!

On Twitter:
First off, I totally love the irony that many found my post via Twitter. As Suey mentioned, Twitter would certainly drive traffic here (now, if only I could hire Natasha to tweet about me regularly :) I am so glad I got the courage up to post about this, or I might still have all this wrong ideas about Twitter!

I had a rather incorrect view of just what Twitter can be used for (at least in the book blogging world). I have obviously been missing out! I think I would enjoy "listening" to the bookish chats, but I might feel just a little too shy to actually say much (at first). I'll bet there are all kinds of interesting things, like Jeanne mentioned, that are talked about (or tweeted, I guess) that I am missing.

I really liked what Natasha @ Maw Books (and wordlily and The Book Vixen and Florinda and most everyone else) had to say about Twitter being a "forum where bloggers, authors, publishers, booksellers and reading fanatics all occupy the same space. It's great to be able to discuss issues/reading in ways that you normally wouldn't be able to. " If that doesn't make me want to hop on board right away, I don't know what would!

said it was fun to talk to people from around the world - which I think is one of the greatest things about blogging; and Rebecca Reid mentioned it is just an "extension of the blog," which I think is fabulous - it's like a blog, but more conversational! Obviously, as this post evidences, I would meet lots of people I wouldn't normally, just as Rasco from RIF says. I still find there are so many other blogs I would love to read, I just don't know where to find them! farmlanebooks said he has "formed better relationships with many bloggers and [found] the best blog posts much quicker than before." All of these things sound like what I need to do!

I'd also like to interact more with authors/publishers like KyleeJ mentioned. I'm just like @mylittlesoapbox, because it's about as close to them as I can get!

I am also a tiny bit afraid that I will, like Lisa, turn into a total addict. I already spend lots of time blogging, how will I drag myself away from more bookish stuff? When I don't check my reader for a day, there are hundreds of posts waiting! What would happen if I started following lots of folks on Twitter too? Ack! I guess I just need to find the perfect balance (any of you have the magic solution to this?)

And I can see why Sheila (bookjourney) said it was different when you can tweet about books and not your everyday cleaning (or not cleaning) habits. Natasha @ Maw Books said it well, "it's not really a 'what are you doing' but rather a 'what am I reading' 'who's blog do I think you should read' and 'let's discuss this issue/book together.'"

largehearted boy pointed out one thing that makes me both interested and cautious: " I can quickly interact with people." I think this is an advantage as well as a drawback. Responding to something quickly is very useful in the fast-paced online world, but sometimes if I respond too quickly, I might say something I'll regret later. I feel like Twitter would be the equivalent of me virtually putting my foot in my mouth. And, without the face-to-face interaction, I wouldn't be able to see the person's immediate reaction (the horrified or crushed look on their face which clues me in to my mistake). And I think this could happen even if it wasn't something nasty I said, but a misunderstanding instead. Amy from My Friend Amy blogged about this much better than myself, so you can just read her words.

I gotta say, though, I love the twitsy language that grew out of Twitter (I can think of all kinds of awesome variantions on that theme).

I do hope others will post thoughts about Twitter (Suey) since I'd love to have my horizons broadened some more!

Um, and hi, I do know how to research, I just obviously didn't do it quite as well as I should. Twitter allows 140 characters (thanks for the probably inadvertent correction, Nikole Hahn) and also it has a LOT more uses than I originally thought!

On followers:
I agree with Nymeth about this aspect: "What if I unfollow some of them for some reason and the owners notice? I'm not saying they'd resent me, but they might feel rejected, or wonder if they did anything to upset me." I think I had one of my (exceptionally large number of) followers drop off. I felt a little sad. I don't know that someone with 400+ followers would notice, but with 10? Yeah. I saw. But, I also got over it. :)

Florinda said just how I feel too, I'm curious about who follows me. I can get the total number of subscribers, but not who it is. Then again, do I want every person whose blog I subscribe to, to know about it? Hm... It makes me want to follow privately (which is possible) instead of publicly.

Amanda mentioned how convenient following can be since it automatically goes to RSS (which is where I read my stuff anyway). Then again, why not just subscribe? As I mentioned, it is to get the extra entries in contests (I promise I would regularly subscribe, even if I didn't follow, Brodi Ashton).

Jenny had some excellent thoughts on personally interacting with followers - good advice for any blog visitors, I'd say! I'd like to "try very hard to remain on a personal level with everyone who follows my blog b/c I don't want it to be a numbers thing ever."

And most of the time, people don't care so much about this. I am still reluctant to post the widget myself, but might just put it somewhere far down my sidebar as a compromise of sorts.

I think that about wraps up my long and excessively rambling response to your kind comments!
Thank you all for sharing so respectfully your opinions!

Oh, and I think I'll get started with Twitter. But as more of a listener than a tweeter. twitterer. twit. whatever. :)


  1. I'm very glad you found everyone's comments helpful, Melissa, and I look forward to seeing you on Twitter :D

  2. Well, if you do manage to sign up, I'll follow you, so you'll have to post a bit for me. I thought I would only "listen", too, at first... but obviously I've gone beyond that. I don't join in as much as I could, but I do join in some. It's fun. But addictive? Only as much as you want to be.

    Great post, by the way. (Natasha tweeted this one, too...)

  3. Thanks guys!

    Melissa, all right! An automatic follower :) Hopefully I can rummage up some kind of entertaining bits for you...

  4. Well, you've convinced me. I'm going to sign up. Maybe we can tutor each other on the ways of Twitter, since I'm absolutely clueless!

  5. Whoo hoo Melissa! You did it! Okay, some tips are in order though. I only tweet in real time. Meaning I don't treat Twitter like a GR and feel like I need to go back and look at what everybody tweeted while I was gone. Use some type of other user interface instead of their website. It makes things easier. I use TwitterFox personally.

    Make sure you upload an avatar, link to your blog (otherwise you won't be driving traffic to your site), and include a short bio.

    Don't hesitate to jump into conversations that you see going on. That's what it's all about!

    And yay for Susan too! Let us know what your username is.

  6. Susan, I could certainly use some tutoring! Let me know when you join!

    Natasha, bless you for the info! I have a LOT to learn, apparently. I'm off to google (but I may send you questions too, if you don't mind).

    The twitter name is "melissa1lbr" - ooh, I feel so special, just saying it!

  7. I'm occassionally on Twitter too. I'm @haikuamy if you want to follow. I am not very dedicated to it though. That sounds like everything in my life though. :)

  8. Amy, I am sure you have much better things to be dedicated to - family, for one!

  9. I think like any social networking tool, Twitter is what you put into it. If you want to write about what're eating then that's that. However, I'll primarily use it for connecting to other bloggers in a more immediate and direct way. Plus, it's a good tool for bringing new traffic to your site.

    I got to this site through links on twitter.

  10. What a great wrap up post to all the comments you got. Very fun. And I do hope you enjoy Twitter. Like Natasha said, you don't have to go back to see what you missed, unless you want to. You just see what's going on and what people are discussing at that moment when you have a bit of time to check in on everyone.

  11. Thanks for all the advice!

    Suey, thanks for getting the ball rolling for me :)


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