
Monday, November 26, 2012

Upcoming Event: Retell Me A Story

It's been a long time in coming and since I took an unexpected break last week (hope all you US folks enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday, I certainly did) it took even longer.  However, I'm super excited to announce my retelling celebration, Retell Me a Story!

This exciting celebration will occur on January 13-19, 2013 and will consist of author and blogger guest posts, reviews, retelling news and discussions, and giveaways!  I'm so excited to be finally getting a week-long celebration of retellings going, because ever since I started my Classic Double Challenge, I've been wanting to do more to bring attention to all kinds of retellings.

So, this first post is just to get the word out, to get you excited about the celebration.  If you have ideas for some way you'd like to celebrate, feel free to leave me comments or email me.  If you're an author of a retelling (fairy tale, classic, mythology, etc) or blogger interested in posting during that week, email me at librariansbook(at)gmail(dot)com.  Feel free to spread the word and use the button I've created.  And hopefully you'll all prepare to celebrate breathing new life into old stories!

What are you looking forward to most during the Retell Me a Story celebration?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I'm really excited to see all the retellings out there. My problem is that I don't often know which stories are retellings of others unless it's really obvious like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

    1. Oh, you're going to hear about way too many of them, trust me :)

  2. I'm excited! I'm interested to see all the re-tellings too!


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