Hope Was Here
is a story about Hope (who managed to change her name from Tulip) and her Aunt Addie who are making the move to a small town in Wisconsin after their diner had to close in New York. Hope, who is trying to live up to her name, is a waitress at the diner that her aunt now manages. Hope is skeptical that she will be able to make friends and fit in, but she is drawn in when the owner of the diner, G.T. Stoop, who has been diagnosed with Leukemia, decides to run for mayor against the old corrupt incumbant. She is impressed with G.T. and his desire to serve the community, as well as his love for life. Hope also manages to balance her crazy mother and a new love interest on her already full plate.

What a fun book! I laughed and cried and was really touched at the messages. Hope was a great character - believable and still good enough to emulate. The story was amazing and the theme of hope throughout left me feeling really...well, hopeful! I highly recommend this great little story for anyone looking for an uplifting read!
s-factor: !A few.
mrg-factor: none
v-factor: none
Overall rating: ****
I really liked this book. It was fun but very thoughtful. I cant' stand the book covers for any of them though. It needs better packaging.