
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Armchair BEA, Day 4: Beyond the Blog

Design credit: Nina of Nina Reads.
I don't really have tips or advice or cool stories about getting beyond the blog, unless by beyond the blog we mean something a little bit different.  So, I'm going to run with something different (again).  What happens when you realize your blog is TAKING OVER YOUR LIFE!!!  I think this happens to all of us at some point - it becomes more than we can fit on our busy plates.  So what can we do to alleviate or avoid this?  In other words, what can we do to be byond our blog?

1- Recognize that you do have a life beyond the blog. 
You have family, friends, cats, whatever, but you have things that exist outside this online space.  And those things are important too.  Much more so than a blog, in fact.  Realize that we might be neglecting those things in order to post the newest thing or the first review of that amazing new book out there. 

2- Step back.
You may need a small break from the blog (and try to take it before you have a break down and HAVE to take it).  This might mean a day or two or a week or two.  Just depends.  Everyone needs a break from the blog, so don't feel guilty or like you will lose all your readers if you stop for a bit.  Trust that we'll all still be here when you get back.

3- Find that balance.
This is the hardest step and one that I'm continually working on.  Life is a great balancing act and to fit in all the things we need to do and all the things we want to do, we have to organize or order.  Sit down and think about what needs to be done and what you want to do and then put the list in order of importance.  You'll find that some things will fall off the list.  That's ok.  Maybe sometime (at a different time in your life) you'll be able to try those, but not now.  For instance, I am dying to try my hand at writing a book, but right now I work full time, commute for nearly 1.5 hours, and am fixing up a house when I get home.  I barely have time to eat, sleep, read, and blog between all those other things.  When my life calms down (I'm hoping it will) I'll still have my brain (I hope) and I'll still want to write (I'm sure).  Don't let the now moments make you forget that there will be future moments to do things too.

I totally feel like a hypocrite or the least qualified person to offer these tidbits, but I couldn't think of another thing I could possibly do beyond my blog (as I mentioned, quite busy right now).  So, this is my way of remembering that there are things beyond our blogs and some of those things should be done now and some later.

What are your tips for getting beyond the blog - in whatever way you interpret that?

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  1. I agree that there needs to be a balance. Spending all day on your blog is not a good idea.

    1. I always need a reminder, though other people might not :)

  2. Good advice. I started my newest blog to connect with other writers and I found the wealth of book bloggers along the way. I have to watch that I don't get too sidetracked from my writing; book blogging is kind of a different deal. I just post reviews of what I read but I'm not soliciting ARCs from publishers.

    Thanks for your thoughts!

    1. Yes, I imagine it's even more distracting when writing books - faster reward, anyway.

  3. Love your advice. I would love to read more than I do, but I just don't have the time. Sometimes, I can spend a few hours reading a night before going to bed. And, other days, I really need to spend that time with my husband and/or friends. So, I realize that reading is less important than those things. So, it takes a back seat to everything else. :)

    1. Sounds like you have the balance thing figured out! I wish it came easier to me, sometimes.

  4. Excellent topic. It's so easy to get completely overwhelmed with blogging and forget that there are other people and things that need your attention. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Your work day sounds a lot like mine. Glad to know that I am not alone in trying to get even the normal day to day stuff done! Thanks for the post!

    1. it's so hard isn't it? Hope you get some time to read in there!

  6. I love what you did with your beyond the blog post. As a newbie, I can really see how much time blogging takes and how it is important to maintain a balance with it and your real life. Breaks are important! :)

    1. Definitely take time for breaks! And yeah for newbie bloggers! Welcome.


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