Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu
Publisher: Walden Pond Press
Publication date: September 2011
Source: Library

Jack and Hazel have been best friends ever since Hazel can remember. But when Jack one day disappears, Hazel is sure he has been taken by the white queen and sets off to rescue him. She is sure that when he didn't want to be her friend anymore that it was the queen's influence over him. And she will go to whatever lengths and wherever she must to save him. But what if he doesn't want to be saved?
Things I Liked:
I just loved the fairy-tale-ness of it, but more than that, the realistic view of fairy tales. It was a balance between the things that can happen in fairy tales and just how uncomfortable or horrifying those things would be in real life. It was such a sweet and also bitter story about growing up, losing friends, dealing with change, and all those things that can happen to disappoint us when we are 11 (or older). A beautiful story, filled with beautiful characters and setting. I really hope this one gets a Newbery honor at least.
Things I Didn't Like:
I admit the first part of the book did not interest me. I was looking forward to the fairy tale and it seemed like a realistic fiction book initially. I don't hate those kinds of books, but it wasn't what I expected. I really loved it eventually and can see how the first part ties into the second, despite its near lack of fairy tale or magical detail.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
(it also had a bunch more literary allusions throughout that made me happy, including HP, The Golden Compass and other delights)
s-factor: none
mrg-factor: none
v-factor: ->
some frightening details, but not very
Overall rating: ****
What are your picks for the Newbery?
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Firelight by Sophie Jordan
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: September 2010
Source: Library
Jacinda has been groomed for leadership in her draki pride, ever since she became the first fire breather in centuries. But when breaking the rules puts her in contact with a sympathetic hunter and on the bad side of pride leadership, her mother takes Jacinda and her twin sister and secretly runs from the pride. Will they be able to blend in with regular people and will Maidens be able to keep her inner draki alive?
Things I Liked:
I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed this one. I remember reading several scathing reviews when it came out and I completely agree with much that was said. However, maybe it was my lowered standards, but I managed to enjoy it. I really loved the family relationships. I thought it was important for Jacinda to grow up and understand what her family has done for her over the years. There was a nice conflict between Jacinda and her sister that kept me interested in the story. Also, the plot picked up about halfway through enough to keep me reading.
Things I Didn't Like:
The writing was not really to my taste, feeling a little too choppy sometimes. And the beginning was very slow and felt like every other paranormal romance out there. The ending was a little far-fetched also. It definitely has its flaws, but I'm planning to pick up the next one anyway.
It reads a lot like many of the star-crossed paranormal romances out
s-factor: !
A very few mild ones
mrg-factor: X
some sensual stuff, innuendo mainly
v-factor: ->
a little bit, but not much
Overall rating: ***
Any fans of this series want to tell me why you like it?
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So, there have been a host, a flock, a crowd of best lists and favorites lists, and all kinds of year end lists. I'm just throwing in my two cents. Since I've read (or will have read) more than 150 books this year, having around 25 favorites isn't too many, right? Eh, I'm going to talk about them all anyway! :) I'm not even trying for categories or books released this year or anything. Here they are in no particular order or even a semblance of order:
The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
A fantasy gem in my comfort genre of choice. Reading it felt like coming home to my old favorite fantasy books.
Blood Red Road by Moira Young
A dystopian adventure that swept me up and swallowed me whole. Impossible to put down from beginning to end.
Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce
This is an oldie but a goodie; one I wish I'd had when I was twelve.
After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick
What I like to call bitter sweet hilarity. Proof that there is life after cancer, and it can be fun!
Plain Kate by Erin Bow
The ultimate "under the radar" good book - I loved it, but no one else seems to know about it!
Leaving the Bellweathers by Kristin Clark Venuti
I'm such a sucker for quirky families and this MG read had a whopper of an oddball family.
Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi
A smart, thoughtful, unique, stand-alone dystopian (even if there is a companion book coming out).
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
A fave author does it again, and how! With writing so rich, you could be tasting the goulash in Prague.
Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt
I don't know how Schmidt does it, but he creates the most semi-tragic, but somehow comic stories! I simply love Doug.
Entwined by Heather Dixon
A sweet, smart, witty retelling. Brought new life to a tale that's been told many times.
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
A book that reminds you just how easy your life is, and how to be optimistic in the face of tragedy.
The Gray Wolf Throne by Cinda Williams Chima
One of my favorite fantasy series. I thought this was the last one, so I was happy to learn it wasn't!
The Giver by Lois Lowry
There is a reason this comes to mind when you think classic dystopian. Always worth a reread!
Crossed by Ally Condie
Proof (to me) that a slow-moving sequel can be just as good as the first one.
The Ring of Solomon by Jonathan Stroud
Contains one of the most hilarious characters in all of juvenile fiction. And my favorite djinn ever.
These is My Words by Nancy Turner
I do read adult books and apparently they are good too! :)
Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper
A book that opened my eyes and urged me to think differently of those with physical disabilities - works for kids and adults alike.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Still just as powerful and heart-wrenching as that first time.
Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson
Hello historical fiction, I'd almost forgotten how charming you can be.
Divergent by Veronica Roth
A heart-pounding, read-it-in-one-sitting, must-be-devoured-in-big-gulps dystopian adventure.
White Cat and Red Glove by Holly Black
Love this wickedly smart series with con men for characters and surprising twisty plots.
Wither by Lauren DeStefano
A story with writing beautiful enough to overshadow the crazy plot.
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Another book to remind me that adult books can captivate me still.
Everneath by Brodi Ashton
Been waiting a long time for this one and I wasn't disappointed at the depth and beauty of the tale. (Bonus: I have a giveaway for this book going on right now.)
by Michael J. Kirby (review to come)
A bitter cold story filled with warm-hearted characters and intriguing suspense.
What are your favorite reads of the year?
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Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly
Publisher: Random House
Publication date: October 2010
ISBN: 9780385737647
Source: ARC provided by publisher

Andi feels like her life is falling apart, ever since the accident when her brother was killed. Her mother is lost in grief, her grades are slipping, and she feels responsible for his death. When her father shows up and takes her to Paris for Christmas vacation, she is so angry she doesn't know what to do. All she knows is that she needs to get back, even if it means finishing her school project on a French composer. But when she finds a diary from a young girl caught up in the French Revolution, she might get more from this trip than she expected.
Things I Liked:
This book was a really interesting way to learn about the French Revolution. At first, I did not have any interest in reading about Andi and the things that were going on in her life. But, when her story began to intersect with Alexandra's, I think it got more interesting. I liked the realistic look both at the situation Andi was in and the French Revolution and what went on then. By the time we got to the end, I was so involved in both of their stories that I couldn't put it down. A beautifully written and perfect mix of contemporary and historical fiction. Some favorites:
How could we compete against time and space and God and truth? Mom with her paintings of birds' eggs and coffee cups, me and Truman with our stupid, crappy kid stuff. It was laughable. My father didn't give a rat's about the bands I liked or Truman's latest cartoon crush. Why would he? He had better options. I mean, who would you hang with if you could - Johnny Ramone, Magneto, or God? p 28 of ARC
He's wearing boots, a kilt, and a long-sleeve T. No coat, even thought it's December. Beautiful people don't need coats. They've got their auras to keep them warm. p 34 of ARC
Things I Didn't Like:
It was not very comfortable reading about Andi's suicidal tendencies and the way her depression seemed to take over her whole life. Yes, this is a very realistic the situation, but it's hard to read and sometimes I wondered if there was even going to be something hopeful or redemptive at the end. It was kind of a toss up on that, but it did have some good points. Also, I think it will be a much bigger success for those who are big music fans - most of the mentions of musicians and composers were obscure to me and I just couldn't get into that aspect. But, for music-lovers, that will make this book even more intriguing. I can definitely recommend it to fans of Donnelly and music fans or historical fiction fans.
A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly
s-factor: !@#$
scattered throughout, a few f-words
mrg-factor: XX
not really graphic, but present and often
v-factor: ->->
not exactly violent, but she does consider suicide a LOT
Overall rating: ****
Do you like books with two storylines - a past and present?
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The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, & June by Robin Benway
Publisher: Razorbill
Publication date: August 2010
ISBN: 9781595143785
Source: ARC sent by publisher
When April, May, and June, three sisters navigating high school together, start experiencing special powers, they think they've hit the jackpot. April who can see the future, May who can disappear, and June who can read minds, are pretty sure using their powers to deal with high school drama is about the best thing. But, when April sees something horrible coming, they begin to wonder if the powers are there for a different purpose.
Things I Liked:
I had some seriously mixed feelings on this one. First, I really liked the sisters. I thought they were individual, smart, and had realistic interactions. Their relationships were complicated and each one held things back as well as shared things, just like real sisters do. I especially loved how their personalities shone through the pages and seemed to fit with their abilities. May was always fun to read about, being the middle child with a snarky attitude. I was also kind of intrigued by the idea of their powers sort of running in the family. But, not much of anything was mentioned about this and I wish there was more.
Things I Didn't Like:
I wasn't entirely sure what kept this from being a good book for me, but I think it was the weird combination of contemporary issues and sort of random paranormal elements. They end up not really doing anything with their powers and I thought perhaps there was a reason for them. It felt almost like the author thought the contemporary side of the story wasn't interesting enough and so she threw in some paranormal stuff (though, obviously, that's just my opinion). Also, the huge build-up with all the foreshadowing and visions didn't fit with the not-very-exciting ending. I thought it kind of fizzled out. Still, might be fun for someone wanting a sisterly book with a touch of paranormal.
Maybe a bit like Clarity by Kim HarringtonBOOK CONTENT RATINGS:
s-factor: !@#
regularly throughout, at least one f-bomb
mrg-factor: X
mostly just talk
v-factor: ->
a very little bit of action
Overall rating: ***
Are you ever unsure just why a book doesn't work for you?
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I'm participating in another delightful Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week, as is obvious from the title, is a Top Ten of what I want for Christmas. Which I didn't think would be all that difficult. But honestly, I found myself realizing just how many books I already have and how I don't actually need more (right now anyway)!!! I'm sure if I thought about it some more, I'd come up with other books I'd like, but really I have so many, I am quite happy with what I have!

It's no secret that I really need to read this one. And own it.

A fantasy that I simply adored. While I'm not enamored of the cover, I think this would make a fine addition to my collection.

I could really use this to complete my collection of the Queen's Thief series. Really.

One of my favorite retellings of all time. And I still don't have it!

This is one of the most inspirational true stories I've ever read. So, I need to read it again (and again).

Chaos Walking is a crazy good series and I already have the first one. Thus, I need the next two!

A very well-written fairy-tale-ish book that deserves more attention! And a spot on my shelf :)

A fantastic dystopian read (though I'm still not sure of this new cover) that I think may already be under my tree!

I have the first two (signed!) so I think this would nicely round out my collection.
What are you hoping will make it under your tree this year?
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Everneath by Brodi Ashton
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: January 24, 2012
ISBN: 9780062071132
Source: ARC provided by publisher

Nikki disappeared months ago without a word and then she suddenly returned home. No one knows where she went or what happened while she was gone. Now, she must try to pick up the broken pieces of her life with her father, little brother, and her boyfriend, Jack. But what none of them know is that she is leaving again, and this time she has no choice. Can she say goodbye properly this time or is it too late for those she loves?
Things I Liked:
I've been looking forward to this one for a long time. I follow Brodi's blog quite regularly and I really love her humor and fun. Her book is definitely not a laughing-throughout book, but it was still fabulous. I loved Nikki and the way she was coming to recognize all that she did to her family and friends when she left. I thought it was particularly interesting to see the connections between actions and choices and consequences - that's something that a lot of teens (and adults) don't always consider. The romance was just perfect, a sweet combination of passion and caring that makes it more realistic. I just thought it was a such a great story, not crowded with too much action and adventure, but full of slow sweet moments, interactions, and feelings. That's not to say that stuff doesn't happen (boy, does it), but it had more than just action. I really liked the mythos, the way the Persephone myth played into the story and yet was changed. Without ending on a cliffhanger, it manages to make me want to know more about what will happen next and how things will work out. Great debut worth the read (not to mention, you can ogle the cover - simply gorgeous)! Some favorite parts:
We'd pluck the spiky chestnuts, leaving their green outer shells intact, and throw them at the neighbor boys. I always took particular care in aiming for Jack's head. He told me later that he rode his bike by my house on purpose. I asked if him if he liked pain. P 44 of ARC
"Because it's not the supernatural abilities that set mythical characters apart." She leaned forward. "It's the decisions the human characters make, in impossible situations, that have us still talking about them centuries later. Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with." p 133 of ARC
Friends don't eat friends' souls. p 223 of ARC
Things I Didn't Like:
It has a bit of awkward phrasing here adn there and the ending was something I saw pretty far in advance, but it had plenty lovely writing and twisty turns, so I was unable to put it down from beginning to end. Just what I love in a good mythological retelling - new twists with some of the same basic backbone.
Some other Persephone retellings:
Abandon by Meg Cabot
The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter
Radiant Darkness by Emily Whitman
s-factor: !
a handful, not much though
mrg-factor: X
kissing and such like, nothing explicit
v-factor: ->
a little bit, nothing gory
Overall rating: *****
AND, lucky for you, I got an extra ARC and thought I'd share the love so you can get your hands on this one (hopefully) a bit early. All you have to do is fill out the form below. I'm offering an extra entry for those who spread the word about this, just provide a link to where you shared (twitter, blog, whatevs). I'll close the contest about January 2nd and ship it out ASAP. (US only, sorry I'm still poor.) Good luck!
Contest closed.
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Nightspell by Leah Cypess
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Publication date: May 2011
ISBN: 9780061957024
Source: Library

Darri has never forgotten her promise to come for her sister Callie. Four years ago, Callie was sent to Ghostland to be the wife of the prince, but it broke Darri's heart to let her go. Now, her chance to save Callie has come, but Callie has changed over those four years and has secrets and motivations Darri can't imagine. Can Darri outmaneuver the wily Ghostland courtiers, both living and dead, to bring her sister home, or will it be too late for both of them?
Things I Liked:
I really liked the world in this book, the two kingdoms Cypess created. It felt a lot like Robin McKinley's in The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown. I loved how developed it was and how real the two different kingdoms felt. Ghostland was interesting and unique - I loved the customs and the way they dressed and how different the culture was from Darri's culture. That was one of my favorite aspects of the book, seeing how it was for these people to go to a new country and culture and how they dealt with it. Also, the mysteries and secrets and twisty revelations compelled me to keep reading. I did see one major twist coming, but most of them surprised me quite nicely. A fun courtly intrigue book.
Things I Didn't Like:
I admit I had a hard time with how characters suddenly had certain pieces of knowledge. The surprises that they revealed did not really logically flow from the information they'd received. Either that or I just couldn't figure out how they had suddenly deduced who had done what, etc. I don't think enough of the pieces were there for the conclusions to be drawn logically. And I wasn't entirely satisfied by the ending. I think that was done on purpose, but I still felt rather let down by it. But I enjoyed it while I was reading and fell in love with the world.
The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley
The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
s-factor: !
a few here and there
mrg-factor: X
mostly implied
v-factor: ->->
some rather gruesome details and deaths
Overall rating: ****
It's reading books like this that remind me just how much I love plain old fantasy. What books remind you of your "first love" genre?
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Here's another group of mini reviews. Unfortunately, these ones just didn't wow me (at least not this time).

Wildwood by Colin Meloy
Source: ARC provided by publisher
When Prue's little brother is stolen and taken to the Wildwood, she is determined to get him back. With the help of Curtis, a friend from school, she embarks on a journey that will take her to places she never imagined. But will she be able to find him in time to save him and all of Wildwood from utter distruction?
My Thoughts: This was a fun story filled with adventures and growing up and fantastic creatures and places with quirky characters and odd tidbits and talking animals. It has all the elements of a fun MG fantasy, but for some reason, it just didn't wow me. It really dragged for me; it took me weeks to finish this. Since I wasn't invested in any of the characters and the story sort of meandered around for most of the book, it just didn't stick with me. I liked the illustrations, though! Hand this to your MG fantasy adventure fans who aren't afraid of a big book.

The Story of Beautiful Girl by Rachel Simon
Source: Library (for book group, but apparently, not until February!)
When Lynnie and Homan escape one night from the School for the Incurable and Feebleminded, they set in motion a chain of events they couldn't have predicted. Lynnie only wanted to keep her baby from being in that place and suffering the atrocities she might endure. So, when she is caught and Homan escapes, she leaves the child with Martha, an older woman that they meet during their escape. Over the next 40 years, the lives of these four characters twine and separate in unimaginable ways.
My thoughts: This is the kind of book that I think of as Important, but I didn't particularly enjoy. I thought it was interesting to see the progression made for institutions like the School and the story of the divergence and then convergence of the characters was also compelling. The social commentary, the way people dealt with those with disabilities, and how those were perceived by others (and sometimes still are today) was the most interesting part. I think I'd be more interested in reading non-fiction about it, though. Mostly I just didn't enjoy the way it was written. I struggled through the entire thing and ended up skimming the last 30 or so pages. Something about the style really turned me off and I'm not sure why exactly. Though I think part of it was the names Homan called people were so aggravating to me, even if it was realistic. Basically, this is a case of "not for me" but which others may very well enjoy. Worth a try simply for the content. (A side note: there is some drug use, swearing, and mature content).

The Hidden Coronet by Catherine Fisher
Source: Library
(3rd book in the Relic Master series)
A coronet with the power to save Anara is the only thing that might save the planet. But, no one knows where it might be hidden. Can Galen and Raffi find it before the Watch gets to it?
My thoughts: While I really enjoyed the second half of the book, the first have was really slow and I almost didn't want to keep reading. The action (when we finally got to it) was exciting and the world Fisher's created and all its intricacies became more interesting and more immediate to me than in the previous two books (The Dark City and The Lost Heiress). I was fascinated by the world and the moons and how they interacted with the weather and especially with the Makers. There were certainly parts of the story that seemed so ephemeral and vague to me that I had a hard time following what was going on. But, I think the overarching mystery of who the Makers are and what Anara is made me continue with the series. Though I was able to figure out pretty quickly the immediate mystery of this book, I didn't know all the details. And I like Raffi, the one who would rather be home and well fed than off having dangerous adventures. Probably because I relate so well to that.

The Margrave by Catherine Fisher
Source: Library
(4th book in the Relic Master series)
Galen and Raffi are facing the most dangerous foe they know, what lies in the Pits of Maar. Can they defeat this evil and will the Makers return to help them in time?
My thoughts: This was a rather exciting and action-packed, complicated ending to the series. In a few parts, I honestly didn't follow what was going on. There were so many things revealed and so many strange mysteries unfurled that I was almost overwhelmed by them! It strengthened my love for Raffi, but I still don't like anyone else much, except perhaps the Sekoi. While the style was not to my liking in places and I thought it dragged in a few sections, this series is so interesting partly because the world is something you are left to wonder about - how it came about, how it's linked to ours, and with so many interesting side stories about it. Rather like Incarceron, this series drew me in because of the setting. Oh, and the ending took me by surprise too. Definitely not your typical kind of series end, I think.

Eldest by Christopher Paolini
Source: Audiobook from library
(2nd book in the Inheritance series)
While Eragon and Saphira helped defeat an army of Urgalls, the war has only begun. They must travel to Ellesmera to complete Eragon's training as a dragon rider. Far from Eragon, Rorin is fighting his own battle against the Ra'zac, who have taken from him what he most desires. Their two stories intertwine in unexpected ways and lead to an inevitable battle.
My thoughts:
Once again, Paolini continues a spanking good fantasy story. Though, in this book I found myself more interested during Rorin's part than Eragon's. Unfortunately, for the vast majority (of this vastly major work), it was terribly boring. I couldn't believe how I'd forgotten all the info-dumping and blabbing going on for 90% of the book. All I remember from my first reading was how flabbergasted I was by the ending. It really was a twist I never saw coming and a smart one too. The books, at least on rereading/relistening (obviously I wasn't bothered much the first time) could do with some major cutting. I listened to this one on audio again and every time I am struck with the variety of voices Gerard Doyle can do. I even became more reconciled to Saphira's rumble. And yet, after all this whining, I'm still a fan of the series. Not one for your luke-warm fantasy fans, though.
Any of these that wowed you?
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Liesl & Po by Lauren Oliver
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: October 2011
ISBN: 9780062014511
Source: Library
Liesl has been imprisoned in the attic for months, thanks to her cruel stepmother. But, when the ghost Po appears and helps her make a great escape, she embarks on a journey to a place she once knew. Will, the alchemist's apprentice, has only seen Liesl from afar, but he already wonders if they will be friends. An accidental mixup leads their two lives together in unexpected and unusual ways.
Things I Liked:
I loved the magical and wonderful setting. Despite a world without color and sun and warmth, the characters blaze from every page. Leisl and Po and Will may start out sad and lonely and pitiable, but they each seek and find what they need to change and be happier. I think that mostly, this story will please those who want a sweet, fairy-tale-ish journey that transforms a dreary world into someplace vibrant. Hand this one to your magic-loving tweens. Of course, it comes with Oliver's signature gorgeous descriptive writing too:
Now she remembered. And so she squeezed her eyes tight and climbed down the tower of months she had been in the attic, reaching back adn back into the rooms of her memory that were dusty and so dim she could catch only little, flickering glances of things. p 42-43
She repeated the word ineffable clearly, three times, in her head, lingering over the gentle slope of the double fs, like the soft peaks of the whipped cream she remembered from her early childhood, and this made her feel slightly better. p 44
Things I Didn't Like:
Po's "it" thing bugged me the most (neither girl nor boy, thus "it" throughout). But not enough to make me stop reading. In places it had some This Is The Theme going on and the ending was practically tied up with a bow (but not in a way that ruins it, somehow). Overall, though, a fun read.
Reminded me a bit of The Magician's Elephant by Kate DiCamillo
s-factor: none
mrg-factor: none
v-factor: ->
a little bit, nothing terribly frightening
Overall rating: ****
Were you a ghost story reader as a kid? I think I avoided them, mostly cause I thought they were all "scary" (though this isn't really).
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