Publisher: Hyperion Book CH
Publication date: May 2010
ISBN: 9781423113386
Source: Library
Carter Kane does not lead a normal life by any standard. Traveling with his archeologist father around the world, living from a suitcase, he hasn't stayed in one place long enough to call home since his mother died. His sister Sadie, however, lives with their grandparents in England, leading as normal a life as he could imagine. But, when their father manages to release a deadly enemy and become captured in the process, Sadie and Carter must work together to prevent the enemy from destroying them...and the world.
Things I Liked:
I think this will be a new hit series for tweens and younger teens. The alternating narrations of both Carter and Sadie provide perspective that should appeal to both boys and girls. It has a good combination of humor, action, adventure, and information. The story will keep you on your toes, reading to the end to know what happens, while you unintentionally learn about ancient Egyptian gods and customs. It's something to give your Percy Jackson fans while they wait for The Lost Hero. I personally enjoyed the hilarious chapter headings, in particular this one: "Men Ask for Directions (and Other Signs of the Apocalypse)." Other good parts:
"Fairness does not mean everyone gets the same," Dad said. "Fairness means everyone gets what they need." p67
Papyrus. I remember Dad explaining how the Egyptians made it from a river plant because they never invented paper. The stuff was so thick and rough, it made me wonder if the poor Egyptians had had to use toilet papyrus. If so, no wonder they walked sideways. p 91Things I Didn't Like:
Some of the plot seemed a little flimsy or maybe just confusing. I wasn't entirely sure what the villain was attempting, nor what they did to stop him. I don't think it was quite as clear as it could have been. It probably won't be as popular as Percy Jackson, maybe because people are generally more familiar with Greek gods than with Egyptian. And this is entirely personal, but I got so tired of Sadie saying "oh my G-d" or just "G-d" over and over and over. I know it's quite a common phrase, but it just kept bugging me how often she would say it.
Percy Jackson books by Rick Riordan
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
s-factor: !
one or two (and the above-mentioned religious exclamations)
mrg-factor: none
v-factor: ->
there is some fighting and some attempts to kill
Overall rating: ****
What do you think of the modernizing of ancient mythology?
Posted as part of Tween Tuesday, hosted by GreenBeanTeenQueen.
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