The Ultimate Gift
is what Red Stevens has left to his great nephew Jason Stevens, only it isn't what Jason expected. Jason must follow Red's rules exactly if he wants to inherit, but will he be able to overcome his selfishness, greed, and laziness?

After watching
the movie
I was pretty thrilled about reading the book. I think that the story lends itself better to film than a book. The story came across as didactic and a little cheesy. With the story being told from Red's 80-year-old lawyer, we don't see any of Jason's personal changes or experiences. Perhaps if the story was told from Jason's POV, it might have worked better. Also, if there had been more story told about each of his experiences. A great idea for a story, but not very interestingly executed.
The Ultimate Life
also by Jim Stovall (next in series)
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Tuesdays with Morrie
by Mitch Albom
s-factor: none
mrg-factor: none
v-factor: none
Overall rating: **
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