Monday, January 3, 2011

2010: A Year in Review

If you are not very interested in knowing someone else's reading numbers, you may feel free to skip this post.  I'll list my favorites of the year in another post either later today or tomorrow.  

Total books read in 2010: 206

Reading challenges completed
100+ Reading Challenge (206)
Young Adult Reading Challenge (122)
Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge (122)
Banned Books Reading Challenge (3)
YA-D2 Dystopian Reading Challenge (5, though I haven't reviewed them all)

Perpetual challenges I worked on:
Support Local Authors
Printz Project

Still working on:
Read, Remember, Recommend Challenge (6 of 10 books read)

Young Adult books read: (122) 59%
Middle Grade books read: (54) 26%
Adult books read: (28) 14%
Children's books read: (2) .01%
Nonfiction books read: (7) .03%

Audio books: (8) .04%
E-books: (12) .06%
Review copies/ARCs (74) 36%
Owned (not for review) (7) .03%

Approximate genre stats:
Fantasy/paranormal: ~45%
Realistic Fiction/Contemporary: ~23%
Historical Fiction: ~19%
Dystopian/sci-fi/futuristic: ~13%
Other genres: ~1%

As you can see, most of what I read is young adult fantasy and still the majority comes from my library, which is just fine with me.  This year, I would like to read more nonfiction and more adult books (probably "classics").  Other than that, I decided not to define specific goals (after all, I am participating in a few reading challenges this year; those are goals, right?).  

Welcome to a new year of reading!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Wow! I'm impressed. I tried really hard to read 200 books this year, but only managed 185. Oh well. I'm gonna try again this year.

    Happy New Year! I can't wait to see what you read in 2011.

  2. Makes all my numbers pale in comparison! Wow. Amazing. Here's to another fabulous reading year!

  3. Susan, I think this was probably the first year I've read over 200. I don't know if I'm up for it again this year, but I may not be able to help myself :)

    Suey, it helps that I don't have kids, I think :)

  4. You did amazingly this year! I'm very impressed and I loved your stats breakdown:)

  5. Amused, thanks - I wanted to do about a million more categories, but it was too much work and I don't think anyone cares but me!


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