Monday, April 15, 2013

I Actually NEED It, 15

I Actually NEED It is an extremely irregular feature where I express my desire, or rather need, for certain books that haven't come out or aren't available at my library yet.  To learn about the reason behind the name, check out my inaugural I Actually NEED It post.

The Fire Chronicle by John Stephens
This one is kind of a cheater, as it already came out in October 2012.  But, I still haven't gotten to it and I really enjoyed that first book, The Emerald Atlas.  So, I'm counting it as an anticipatory read all the same.

The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle by Christopher Healy
I've been champing at the bit for this sequel since I heard there would be one!  I absolutely adored The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom, laughing my way through the entire story, and I can't wait to get my hands (or ears) on this one.  Fortunately, it comes out later this month.  

Vortex by S.J. Kincaid
Insignia was one of my favorite reads from last year and I am super excited to see where this sci-fi adventure heads next.  Coming July 2013.

The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson
The Girl of Fire and Thorns series is kind of one I almost wanted to keep to myself, I loved it so hard.  It's one of those that I hold close as a favorite fantasy series, but if you have to love it too, I guess you can :).  Coming August 2013.

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
Remember that review for The Raven Boys I posted last week?  I'm already eagerly anticipating what happens next with my favorite characters and delving back into this creepy, realistic, paranormal, rich world.  Coming September 2013.

The Whatnot by Stefan Bachmann
The Peculiar was such an interesting book, such a great story and the weirdness really got to me.  I've been unable to get some of the images from this story out of my mind.  I can't wait to have this happen again in September 2013.

The Real Boy by Anne Ursu
Breadcrumbs was an awesome book and a fabulous fairy tale retelling as well.  I can't wait to get more of Ursu's beautiful writing and more fairy tale adventures this September 2013.

Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein
Does this even need an intro?  It is marketed as a companion to Code Name Verity, so I doubt it does.  Not sure what to expect, but since I adored CNV so much, I intend to love every second of it.  Coming September 2013.

The Lord of Opium by Nancy Farmer
I actually managed to snag an e-galley of this from Edelweiss and I am currently being swept up again in Matt's crazy life as the new Lord of Opium.  Considering my undying adoration for The House of the Scorpion, I wholly intend to love this as well.  Out September 2013.

Shadows by Robin McKinley
It's Robin McKinley, friends! I'll read it. Plus, science vs magic? Yes, please! Coming September 2013.

The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
Kiersten White is an author who intrigues me so much that I'll pretty much taste anything she puts out.  This one sounds so fun, especially with the Egyptian mythology aspect.  I tend to love mythological retellings.  Coming September 2013.

Rags & Bones: New Twists on Timeless Tales edited by Melissa Marr and Tim Pratt
And speaking of retellings, I nearly cried when I saw that this collection of stories based on classic stories wasn't coming out until October 2013!  Seriously, you may have already guessed that I love retellings, so this collection is sure to make my heart happy.

Seems like September will be a month filled with so many fabulous books.  What can't you wait for?

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  1. Oooh, good picks! I haven't heard of most of them, but I did just download THE CHAOS OF STARS from Edelweiss. I'll have to get THE LORD OF OPIUM, too, as THE HOUSE OF SCORPIONS is one of those books that really stuck with me. And, wow, how did I not know about the CODE NAME VERITY companion book? That's a total NEED. Thanks for the head's up.

    1. AND thanks for telling me Edelweiss had Chaos of Stars - I've just downloaded it. :) I nearly wet myself when I saw CNV had a companion book!

  2. Oh my! So many good books! I'm waiting for Maggie's and Rae's books, certainly, but also Sarah Beth Durst's new one--CONJURED.

    1. Ooh, I hadn't heard of Conjured - thanks for the heads up! I'll have to go look at it :)

  3. I believe it's April. ;)

    I'm really looking forward to The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle too! Also, Unnatural Creatures: Stories Selected by Neil Gaiman. Those are both coming out in April.

    Then there's (of course) Divergent 3, Siege and Storm, Crown of Midnight, and Across a Starswept Sea. I haven't read The Peculiar, but it looks interesting!

    1. I totally had a freak out moment (it would be entirely within my realm of sanity to forget what month it was :) but I understand why you said it!

      The new Neil Gaiman! Divergent 3! (Can we get a title already?) Across a Starswept Sea (I mentioned that in an earlier post, so left it out on this one, but SO excited)! So many I forget.

  4. The September ones are especially wanted by me, and by then I will have read every book on my tbr pile and can enjoy these wholeheartedly! Maybe.

    1. I'm with you on the maybe part. Though, I most likely won't have read my tbr by then :)

  5. Ah, sorry. I realize that many of the books you're looking forward to come out in September. Sorry about that.

  6. I have a love hate relationship with these posts. I always find new books *I* need, but they are always SO far out! Ah

    1. Ugh, I know. I hate how far away some of these seem! I always get antsy when they start showing up on blogs (and then I post about them too :)

  7. How have I not heard of Rose Under Fire yet???? Going to add it to all my lists right now.

    1. I know! I wish I remember who had brought it to my attention.

  8. I'm excited about the Hero's guide to storming the castle. I'm currently reading The Hero's Guide to Saving your Kingdom to my kids and we all are enjoying it very much. I keep hearing my 9 year old son quoting from the book at random moments throughout the day.

    Also, very excited for Rose Under Fire (which I hadn't heard of until I read this post) and I NEED The Bitter Kingdom RIGHT NOW! And Divergent #3 (Alegiant) of course.

    1. I bet that is an AWESOME read-aloud! And yeah for Divergent 3 finally having a title! So many fabulous books coming out.


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