Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Book Review: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Publisher: Scholastic
Publication date: September 2012
Pages: 416
Source: Library
For: Fun
Series: Raven Cycle, Book 1

When Blue Sargent sees a boy in the churchyard, among those who will die the following year, she is shocked. Not only has she not seen anyone there before, as her mother does, but the boy tells her his name, Gansey. Things become even more complicated when Gansey, a rich student at the nearby boys' school, shows up in her real life, seeking something that Blue might just be able to help him find.

Things I Liked:
Is there really anything helpful I can add to the love this book got?  I think not.  But, I'll do a bit of gushing anyway.  I absolutely loved this book - the characters, the setting, the beautiful way Stiefvater writes - all of these things melded together and kept me invested in this book from beginning to end.  There were surprises and twists that I never saw coming.  The mix of the realistic and the paranormal was a perfect blend.  I began to think everything about it was real.  And I really love the characters, especially Blue and Adam.  But they are all very well drawn, though I had a hard time grasping Ronan.  This is just a book that will suck you in and spit you out wanting more at the end.

Things I Didn't Like:
One thing I kind of wished (and this is entirely me) is that it had been a stand alone.  I really wanted the book to wrap up right then and there at the end.  And while some things were resolved, I wanted it to be the end.  On the other hand, this means I get more Blue and Adam and Gansey and Noah and Ronan and more of the strange paranormal world she's created here, so there's that.

It reminded me of Stiefvater's Lament and Ballad

Also a little bit of a The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper feel for me too!

s-factor: !@#
pretty regularly, and a few handfuls of f-bombs

mrg-factor: none
at least that I recall

v-factor: ->
some fighting with some detail, but nothing graphic

Overall rating: *****

Anybody thoughts on why you loved (or didn't love) this book?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Adam.

    That is why I loved it, Melissa. :)

    1. Angie, I remember reading your review and thinking I had better get this book and I had better love Adam. And I did, of course.

  2. I loved this also! She is just such a good writer!

    1. She really has a lot of talent and I'll pretty much read anything of hers!

  3. No picture?! How can I pin this?? This is the 2nd time, this has happened ... (P.S. You're allowed more than a few lazy passes for pregnancy.)

    1. Cheltz, I'm working on why the pin it button won't recognize any photos. It's sorta fixed, but still won't pick up the photos on individual posts. Oy.

  4. I think this is my favorite of hers. She just keeps getting better and better!


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