Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Classic Double Challenge: September

Can you believe it's September already?  I'm a little sad to leave the summer behind, though I could really use some autumn-like weather about now (or anything less than 100 degrees, really).  Only a few months left of the Classic Double Challenge and I'm only about half-way through!  How are all of you coming along?  I'm finding this challenge a lot more of a...well, challenge, than I expected.  Still, I'm liking it and pretty sure I'll bring it back next year.  The monthly winner is: ElaineReads!!

Hopefully we can all buckle down and get some of those books read that we've been meaning to.  I've got to get my hands on a Little Women or Jane Eyre retelling.  Or maybe I'll pick up something totally different.  Gotta keep my options open. :)

What are you working on (or hope to be working on) this month?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I am about to do my second pair! Read a contemp YA that fits in line with a classic I have not read yet. So doing this one bacwards, but that's okay. I realized I may have overextended myself by signing up for four pairs of books...

    1. I've actually done both my pairs backwards, starting with the newer and then reading the classic :) No worries if you don't finish all your pairs!

  2. I'm almost done with my Robin Hood classic, and then I will have done two pairs! I will blog about it all.

    1. Yeah! I'm interested in how that classic Robin Hood went :)

  3. I've been carrying around my Kindle all summer and I'm amazed at how much more I'm reading by having books in my bag with me all the time. Still love to curl up with those paper books, but I have to admit I'm in love with my eReader for convenience. I think I'll continue with my system into fall.


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