Thursday, August 30, 2012

Book Review: UnWholly by Neal Shusterman

UnWholly by Neal Shusterman
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication date: August 2012
Pages: 416
Source: ARC from ALA
For: Review
Series: Unwind, Book 2

*Spoilers likely for the first book, Unwind*
After numerous unsuccessful attempts to summarize the book myself, I'm relying on the publisher's summary, somewhat shortened:
Thanks to Connor, Lev, and Risa...people can no longer turn a blind eye to unwinding...  However, unwinding has become big business, and there are powerful political and corporate interests that want to see it not only continue, but also expand to the unwinding of prisoners and the impoverished.  Cam is a product of unwinding; made entirely out of the parts of other unwinds, he is a teen who does not technically exist... And when the actions of a sadistic bounty hunter cause Cam’s fate to become inextricably bound with the fates of Connor, Risa, and Lev, he’ll have to question humanity itself.
Things I Liked:
I was truly impressed with this sequel.  Not only does it build on the complicated ethical questions from the first book, but it adds new dimensions it.  Ideas about leadership and identity and what we think is right.  I loved the many different perspectives portrayed, not just Risa and Connor and Lev, but new people with different opinions.  Each person expresses a unique take on what the Unwind Accord means to them personally.  Even when we think something is right or wrong, we are forced to see it from their perspective and gain greater understanding.  Plus, it has plenty of action and twists, enough to keep you guessing to the end.  I would love to have a book club or other kind of discussion about this book, as there are so many things to talk about!

Things I Didn't Like:
This is not an easy book to read, not only in terms of difficult and intense subjects, but from complexity.  Being told from so many different viewpoints makes it difficult at times to connect with any one person.  I had a hard time getting into the story when perspective would shift so often.  It was also quite long with some long sections with no action.  Definitely this one will appeal to those who are not afraid to put in the time and effort, and who prefer more complex dystopians.  Here's hoping the next book comes soon!

Start with Unwind by Neal Shusterman
Jenna Fox Chronicles by Mary Pearson

s-factor: !@
regularly throughout, no f-bombs

mrg-factor: none
that I recall

v-factor: ->->->
lots of sometimes gory violence

Overall rating: ****

I'd love to hear your opinions on this book, if you've had a chance to read it!  Or tell me why you want to pick this one up.

(For more dystopian awesome, check out Presenting Lenore's Dystopian August celebration!) 
If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Okay, fine. This is going on my RIP list this year!

  2. I just got this one in the mail (I had to buy it, since I didn't luck out and get an ARC like SOME people) and I'm SO excited to read it. Shusterman is one of my all-time favorite authors.

    1. I know I felt pretty privileged to get it :) Hope you love it, looking forward to your review!

  3. I've yet to even read the first one! Sheesh! We are reading it for book club in December so soon. :)

  4. I loved Unwind! Gave me the willies - in good, creepy sort of way. I pre-ordered Unwholly the moment I heard about it and it has been shipped. Cannot wait to read it!

    1. Definitely expect to get more willies! This book was creepy and crazy as the first :)


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