Monday, August 27, 2012

Listless Monday: Masked Edition

Listless Monday was inspired by both Amanda at A Bookshelf Monstrosity's feature Books by Theme and Court at Once Upon a Bookshelf's Listed feature. Be sure to check out their lists!

I had a (tiny) burst of inspiration, after my week-long on-vacation absence last week.  I was noticing a few book covers that featured a mask of some kind.  And thus was born today's Listless Monday post: the masked edition.  Some of these have the mask on the cover (or, you know, what looks like a mask), others I had to include since a mask plays an important part of the story.  I'd love to hear your additions to my list!

The Masked Edition

Any additions?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Wow, I wouldn't think there'd be so many. Who knew?

    1. I know! I was kind of surprised myself. This wasn't even all of them (I didn't include many adult books).

  2. Wow, no wonder people judge a book by it's cover. These are gorgeous.
    Yepperdedeppers...I will go see Mo Willems on sept. 12 at Changing Hands for sure. He is MY favorite. I can't wait to get a Pigeon shirt. Are you looking to come to the "right side" of town? How was vacation??

    1. I'm thinking I should go see Mo, but...not sure it will happen. I will probably be down for the Fierce Reads tour, but I do have to prioritize my visits to the "right" side of town :)

      Vacation was lovely, thanks for asking.


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