Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Confessions

I haven't done a Top Ten Tuesday in a while, but this topic was pretty easy for me to do, so I had no excuse.  Without further yapping, here are my Top Ten Bookish Confessions:

10. I still prefer print books to e-books.

9. Once a book has been purchased, it often languishes on my shelf instead of hopping into the TBR pile.

8. Despite being a librarian, my home library isn't well organized.

7. I will occasionally dog-ear a book (that I own) if I don't have anything else to mark its place.

6. Also despite being a librarian, I will sometimes purposely not return books on time, if I haven't finished them.  I always pay my fines, though :)

5. I suffer from serious book envy on occasion.

4. Some days, I just don't feel like reading.

3. I am horribly behind on reviewing books sent by publishers.  (I can't even bring myself to tell you how far behind, I'm so embarrassed.)

2. I rarely buy books I haven't read before.

1. I've dropped library books in the bathtub before.

What are your confessions?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I didn't really cringe for any of these, until I got to the last one....uggghhh! So sad....

    1. I know. It is pretty sad. I've done it a number of times with my own books, but I think it was only once with a library book.

  2. My list would almost match yours. I hereby confess to numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (except the librarian part), 9, and 10!

    1. Well, I'm glad you didn't pull a #1. And I'm glad I am in good company :)

  3. Number one made me laugh. I've never done that before, but once I set a library book on fire by leaving it on the stove. The book was too good to put down while I was cooking.

    1. Wow, that sounds like a great book! And a fun story :)

  4. I dropped a book in the bath once. I screamed so loudly my poor mother thought I was hurt. :)

    1. Ha ha! Sounds about right. It's super frustrating, isn't it?

    2. Incredibly frustrating!! Plus the poor book is never right again, even after it dries. Crinkly pages!

    3. I know. I wish I'd learned some of the tricks that the preservation librarians know about water-damaged books. There might be some way to salvage those crinkly books!

  5. I had a writing prof who lists as one of her few virtues as having always returned a book to the library on time. I think that must be a virtue because it is really stinking hard to do!

    ditto #5, and #2.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

    1. I used to think it was my librarian duty to return them on time. I've obviously changed my mind about that.

  6. How funny! My confession is that I dog-ear the bottoms of pages because it makes me feel a little less guilty.

    1. I've done bottoms before too, but usually that's when I have something near the bottom I want to remember. I tend not to feel too guilty about either, though. Maybe because I do it with only certain books.

  7. I'm the same way about books that I actually own. I never get around to reading them. But I'm really good about reading things I get from the library. Maybe it's that 3 week time limit that motivates me.

    1. I think it is the time limit that motivates me. Even though I can renew things up to five times (if there are no holds), so it's really like 15 weeks of procrastination :)

  8. I relate to all of those except #4. The only time I have ever thought, "Wow, I really don't want to read anything," is when I was having radiation therapy a couple of years ago. I had to be completely isolated from other people for a week, so I spent all my time reading. After I finished my third book of the day, my eyes and head hurt so badly that I couldn't have read another word even if I'd wanted to (and I didn't)!

    1. I always feel a little sad (and guilty?) when I don't want to read. And usually it's because I'm not enjoying my current read. But it happens. I can imagine being by yourself and only reading would have made that miserable situation even worse!

  9. I'm having so much fun reading everyone's confessions! I dropped a library book in the bath once too...but I was only two. Does that still count?

    1. Definitely does count - but not as embarrassing as mine when I was...well old enough to know better.

  10. I prefer print books as well and there are times when I just don't feel like reading.

  11. A big YES to Print books over e-books - forgot about that one! Although I do have a kindle, I rarely use it.

    1. I have a kindle and I do use it fairly regularly, but I just like my print books better!


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