Monday, August 20, 2012

Name That Book: Episode 25

Name that Book is an irregular feature where you get to guess a book title from the photo clues. 

So, even though I'm technically not a Utah blogger anymore (observe a moment of silence for my former home state...just kidding), I'm doing a mini-challenge to celebrate Utah Book Month.  There are lots of fun things (including prizes) that are going on this month to celebrate.  Check out the Utah Book Month site for more info.  (If you participate in my mini-challenge, you get an extra entry in the Grand Giveaway - you can comment with your guesses on this post and just link to my post or do a separate post with your guesses.)  Of course, each of these books is by a Utah author.  Have fun!

Book 1:

Book 2:

Book 3:

Book 4:
Wooden hourglass 2

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. This was fun! 2 and 4 were hard for me. I had to look up utah authors on goodreads to figure it out.

    1- Palace of Stone
    2- The Clockwork Three
    3- Matched
    4- The Hourglass Door

  2. Hmmmm, shouldn't have looked at Kathryn's comment. Matched was easy, and then I was going to ask if there was a book called Castle Rock.

  3. WOW! Kathryn was good! Love guessing the books. THANKS for a fun challenge.

  4. Hmmm... Got Matched and The Hourglass Door right off. I should have guessed Palace of Stone! I've never even heard of The Clockwork Three. Off to look it up...

  5. Love your Name That Book -- even though they are usually too hard for me! I did figure these out though (without even looking!)
    1. Palace of Stone
    2. The Clockwork Three
    3. Matched
    4. The Hourglass Door
    And I've read all but the first, which I plan to do soon!

    1. Great job, Gayle! Enjoy Palace of Stone, it's fun.

  6. Yep, got 'em
    1. Palace of Stone
    2. Clockwork Three (though I had to look it up 'cause I remembered it at trio)
    3. Matched
    4. Hourglass Door--love that particular door too.

  7. Ah! PALACE OF STONE was the holdup for me. Such a fun challenge. Thanks for hosting a mini-challenge, Melissa. You'll always be a Utahn to me. :)

    1. Thanks, Jessica, i do kind of miss that Utah book scene

  8. I seriously love this feature of yours! I just had a hard time guessing #2 (The Clockwork Three); I forgot Matthew J. Kirby is a Utah author! :)

    Thanks for participating!

    1. I did try to pick a few less-well-known Utah authors. Thanks for letting me join in the Utah Books fun!

  9. #2 threw me for a bit too! And yes, once a Utah blogger, always a Utah blogger! See you on Friday, right? :)Anyway, I hope so!

    1. I am still not sure about Friday, since a bunch of family is in town. But i might sneak away anyway :)

  10. Wahoo! For the first time I knew them all!

  11. I cannot figure out 1 for the life of me! I know I could cheat and read others' answers, but I'm not going to, lol.

    1. ?

    1. Ugh! I hate when I accidentally click things. Sorry.

      2. The Clockwork Three
      3. Matched
      5. The Hourglass Door

      That was a lot of fun! Thanks!

    2. Jenni, you crack me up! The first one has a LOT of possibilities from the vague images, so no worries :)


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