Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Good Times Ahead

I've been sort of remiss in talking about some of these upcoming events.  There are lots of good times ahead in the blogging world, so keep your eye on these:

I'm feeling very sad that I'm not signing up to be a judge for Cybils this time around, as I've been so fortunate to be a judge now for three years on the MG Sci-fi/Fantasy panel.  But, my life is rather busy and uncertain and I don't want to sign up and not contribute to my fullest.  However, if you love Cybils and reading, do jump into the judging pool by this Friday, so you don't miss out.  It's always been such a fun and rewarding experience, plus you get to read lots of fabulous books!  Also, get thinking what books to nominate, as the nominations open October 1st.

Book Blogger Appreciation Week is back again!  I'm super excited to have this fun week-long event come back and I'm pretty relieved that the awards aren't making an appearance this year.  Mark your calendars for September 10-14 and prepare to celebrate each other and ourselves in the book blogging world!

I was super thrilled when Holly announced she was going to host a Seven Days for Sevenwaters celebration, all in honor of the fabulous Sevenwaters series by Juliet Marillier.  Despite only having read the first two books, I fell in love with the gorgeous world and beautiful relationships in each one.  I'm so excited to see what she's got planned for that week.

Last, but certainly not least, the wonderful fall Bloggiesta is set for September 28, 29, 30 this year.  I've participated as much as possible in this event and it's so wonderful to have an excuse to work on keeping up your blog.  Right now, Suey and Danielle are calling for mini-challenge hosts, so if you're interested in that, head on over to the mini-challenge host posts.  And prepare yourself for the fiesta!

What events in the book blogging world are you looking forward to!

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  1. The Seven Days for Sevenwaters series sounds like a great idea. I love Juliet Marillier's books and am looking forward to her next Sevenwaters book.

    1. I love series celebrations - this one will hopefully nudge me to read book 3 and beyond.

  2. I'll be at BBAW and Bloggiesta this year. Also took the plunge and applied to be a Cybils judge this year. We shall see! Lots of events going on in the blogging world now :)

    1. Yeah! Hope you get a chance to be a Cybils judge - if not this year, then maybe next!

  3. I'm so looking forward to Bloggiesta! It will be fun :D It's a shame I can't participate in Sevenwaters, because I freaking adore those books <3

    My Bloggiesta.

    1. You can definitely stop by to read the Sevenwaters celebration, though. I think there are going to be some great posts!


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