Monday, July 9, 2012

AND Go! Dune Read-Along Starts...Yesterday

Credit: Jenni Elyse
Hey!  I'm starting to see a pattern of lateness here in my blogging.  Ah, well.  I'm posting a day late (and probably a dollar short too, but that's another story).  Yesterday was the official start of the Dune Read-along!  We are reading Book 1 this first week and posting answers to the discussion questions (which, I will get up probably around Wednesday this week) on Saturday.  For more information and the schedule, check out this Dune Read-along post.  If you're joining in (or just want to follow along) get yourself geared up for the world of Dune!  I'll have a linky up soon where you can drop any Dune-related posts you put up this week - I promise!

And thanks to Jenni Elyse for the fantastic button. 

Dune forward folks!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Yay! I'm so excited! I'll get started on it right away, yay! :)

    1. Thanks for being patient and waiting for me to get myself together :)

  2. I'm excited to see the discussion questions. Dune is my favorite book of all time and I can't wait to see what everyone else thinks of it.

    1. I'm pretty excited to have people participating in any way - hope you jump in with your thoughts too!

  3. I started last night, but only got 8 pages in. It's pretty dense!

    1. I know, I haven't gotten very far yet either - it's definitely an adjustment to the world and all the crazy names/phrases :)


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