Friday, July 6, 2012

Classic Double Challenge: July

And once again, I find myself dreadfully behind and not just in reading for this challenge, but in the monthly post about it. I'm on vacation, so that's my excuse. I hope you are all doing a bit better on this challenge than I am, though I did get my Persuasion retelling, so I hope to read that pair this month. The monthly winner for June was Suey! I'll get something bookish on its way to you soon!

And I can't even muster up a good question for this post either. I blame it on vacation brain. Hope you all had a lovely 4th of July and I'll see y'all next week for the Dune read-along.

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. It seems like the holiday threw everyone. At least it did me. I'm so stressed about being behind. I need to get going on this challenge. I only have to read two books, dang it! I can do this!

    1. I'm sure you will be able to do it in time. I tend to procrastinate on at least one challenge every year :) So glad I'm not the only one who got thrown off by the holiday!


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