Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Beach Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and today's topic is a freebie.  I'm kind of glad, because I started one of the Top Ten Tuesday topics a while ago and never ended up finishing it.  So, I'm going to now present you with my Top Ten Good Beach Reads.  I have to admit, I'm not much of a beach person, more of a mountain kind of girl.  However, I like to relax on a summer's evening, so that's more of what I considered.  I figured I'd throw in some obvious ones and some that you may not think of as "beach" reads.

Summer series by Jenny Han
-Well, duh.  This is a summery series about vacations to the beach.  It is definitely perfect for relaxing by the water.

Shug by Jenny Han
-This one seems more like a perfect summer read.  It reminds me of summers when I was a tween and I get all nostalgic thinking of how wonderful those days were.

The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy
-I think this one is perfect for a quick, fun, happy read.  You pick this one up, laugh throughout, and come out feeling happy about it.  A great one to read with your kids especially!

Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter
-All of these books are quick reads too and they entertain like nothing else.  Spy action and teenage drama - a perfect mix.

Tuesdays at the Castle Jessica Day George
-This one is another fun middle grade.  I think it's perfect for relaxing into a sweet fantasy.  Makes an awesome read-aloud.

Midnight in Austenland by Shannon Hale 
-Summer wouldn't be complete without a fun mystery novel.  This one delivers on both points and can be quickly devoured in one day.

Blood Red Road by Moira Young
-If you are looking for a dystopian something that will engross you, this one will capture your attention and keep you entertained all the way through.  And you won't forget the characters for a long time.

He's So/She's So series by Kieran Scott
-If you are looking for something that is full of gossipy, back-biting, teenage angsty - this series will not disappoint you.  They are short and engrossing and you can appreciate your much simpler life when you are done :)

Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan
-Quick, entertaining, and always jam-packed with adventures, this series will occupy you all week at the beach and it will definitely occupy your tween boys too.

Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer
Have I talked about this one enough yet?  No?  Well, these books will surely provide you with absolute entertainment.  And in case you hadn't heard yet, the audiobooks will keep you laughing for hours.

What are your beach reads?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. You and I could be friends--Jessica Day George, Shannon Hale and John Flannagan. I love them. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

    1. They are some fabulous authors, aren't they? Off to check out your site!

  2. You mean Blood Red Road-and I love that one too! One of my favorite science fiction novels...

    1. Oops! Yes, I've got it change now :) It was a fabulous book, wasn't it?

  3. My quick and easy escape read is almost always HP. Lame, I know.

    1. HP is never lame! It's pretty much a perfect summer read.

  4. Every time you mention Bloody Jack it reminds me that I HAVE to get to that series. Especially on audio, since Katherine Kellgren is awesome.

  5. I'm moving in a month or so. I was thinking of getting the Hero's Guide audiobook for my husband and I to listen to in the car. I think it would be a great way to pass the time. That and a Bill Bryson audiobook.

    1. That will provide you with plenty of entertainment, that is for sure.


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