Friday, May 11, 2012

What's Next on the TBR and, More Importantly, Why?

This is kind of similar to what I posted a few weeks ago, where I wondered if book advertising swayed your reading choices, but now I want to know what kinds of things make you decide what to read next.  What feeds the TBR pile and what moves things to the top.  And, more importantly, who feeds it and moves it along. 

I know that often I'll put books on the TBR just from what publishers send to me and read in order of release.  Then there are the sequels to all the great series I started, which sometimes take a back seat, but usually make it to the top eventually.  I know that usually when I first hear about or see a new title coming out it's months in advance (which is a two-edged sword, me thinks, but that is a post for another day).  I'll see the description, but rarely am I drawn to read it just from that (exceptions: authors whose stuff I've adored in the past...and dystopian). 

I think it requires a bit more than those eagerly anticipating posts (like my I Actually NEED It posts) to persuade me.  Sometimes.  I usually need a few trusted folks to get it, read it, and write good solid reviews.  I like to note those things mentioned that I might like or dislike and decide based on that.  Or sometimes I throw caution to the wind and move it up the TBR based solely on one random raving review.  Or a really fun description. 

And so, since I'm in an analyzing mood and not a reviewing mood, here's a look at what induced me to pick up my last eight reads (with the random added bonus of where it came from):

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
-Despite the many good and reliable reviews I saw for this, I think it was the mere fact of it being a Printz Honor book tipped the scales.  Plus, I've enjoyed everything Maggie's written that I've read.  Library.

Revived by Cat Patrick
-Sent for review from the publisher (I requested it, because of the wicked-cool-sounding premise) and then I got a chance to be part of the blog tour.  That certainly pushed it to the top of the TBR :)

Curse of the Blue Tattoo by LA Meyer
-I mentioned the two bloggers who influenced me to pick up the first in the series.  Which in turn influenced my need to devour them all.  A case of next in the series.  Audio download from library.

Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
-This is one that intrigued me from the first mention of its summary.  I had it on my radar.  Then, several trusted bloggers wrote lovely reviews and I wanted it.  Finally, NetGalley had a special promo offering it and the deal was sealed.

Die For Me by Amy Plum
-This one was sent for review (you know, way back when it was first published, which is a hint of the awful wasteland that inhabits my review books) and then the winner of my Book Puzzle Mini-Challenge picked it as a prize.  I thought I'd try to squeeze a read of it out before sending it off. 

Beyonders: Seeds of Rebellion by Brandon Mull
-A delightful sequel to a fun series by a favorite author.  Library.

Partials by Dan Wells
-Beautiful cover, dystopian premise (which, btw, is a huge weakness for me from the summary phase), Utah author (I have a weakness for them too).  Done deal.  Library.

Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos
-Picked up only because it was the Newbery winner and I had to figure out how it beat out my beloved Okay For Now.

So, I'm wondering what moves your books up the TBR?  Feel free to tell me about your most recent reads and the reasons behind them.  And who do you use as a move-it-to-the-top reviewer (like Angie, Small Review, and Susan, among others, for me)?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. If I have a tour I, of course, read it asap. If I have an ARC I usually try to read them before they release. This happens most the time, but not always. But for the others...I have a pile on my dresser of the books at the top of the list -- just based on browsing my home and work library, and deciding "its time for this one." Then I re-arrange that pile (and browse my Kindle) according to my mood -- I like to keep a variety of genres -- can't read to many of the same type of book in a row. So, mostly I go by "mood." Very scientific, I know.

    1. I'm just a bit jealous, because apparently I haven't gotten myself to do it much on mood. I am still tending to feel obligated and I think that can definitely stint my reading. I love that you keep a variety of genres available.

  2. I usually read on whim or whether my reading buddy and I are reading books together. Right now we are re-reading the Dune series together, so I will quite often be reading with him, or if he is reading at slower pace I will fit a standalone book in between.

    I'm reading The Long Earth right now, which I received an ARC for. I picked it up simply because I have to read the next Terry Pratchett book now!

    1. I love that you go on whim. Someday I will be smart enough to read that way. And a reading buddy sounds just about perfect too (been meaning to pick up Dune forever).

  3. I normally read what I have to for everything that I do. Books from publishers/authors/for tours go on top because they have dates that they should be read by. Hey at least I try to stick to that lol.

    I also have shelves full of hundreds of unread books so I can pick something off of that shelf as a reward book or just because I don't always want to read a review book back to back to back.

    I also do a feature with another blogger where we swap our favorite reads so I have to read the book she picks for me to read each month.

    Basically I never read anything for fun because it is all on a tight schedule. I do want to get my review piles down so I can start picking up books off my own darn shelf.

    Thanks for this great post!

    1. I'm so glad I'm not alone! I have the huge review piles that I feel bad I haven't gotten to yet and therefore I don't read much off the "just because" pile. Mind you, library books always manage to squeeze in, because they have due dates :)

  4. Whenever I need a book to read, I go straight to your site, and check out the 5 stars. I'm not your target audience for this post, but it works everytime for me :).

    1. Wow, I'm glad I can supply you with plenty of reading choices. I think I take my reading piles WAY too seriously :)

  5. With me it's totally a mood thing. If I have a book from the library or a book for a blog tour or book club then, yeah, it gets read faster but usually I go based on mood.

    I put off reading books that everyone is raving about that I have high expectations for because I'm terrified of hating it. :(

    1. I love that you go by mood! And that you are worried you'll hate the books everyone else loves - at least you know about where you'll fall on the spectrum, it's hit and miss for me.

  6. Book club books, library books (sometimes) and books for a blog tour go to the top. Then if I join a buddy read, that gets priority too. Then if book has been bothering me for a long time to read, I'll push it to the top.

    After that it's mood.. or what fits in my purse, or what fits on the treadmill... etc.

    Or whatever I grab....

    Borrowed books go to the top usually too, so I can get them back in a timely manner!

    1. I love the "whatever fits in my purse" mentality! And I always feel like I should read those ones I've been putting off forever, but then I figure they've waited this long... :)

  7. I read review books first, then roughly in the order books are given to me. I have one shelf that has books I've had for ages and those given to me by bookcrossers more recently- these get read first. Then the rest are the order I bouught / received them. Interspersed with these- every second book is for a reading challenge (at the moment Terry Pratchett's books in order).

    It sort of goes:
    TBR pile (general)
    Terry Pratchett book
    TBR pile (Christian)
    Terry Pratchett book

    1. Sounds like you have a very structured reading order! I should try that, though I'm afraid I wouldn't follow it. And I love that every other book on your pile (at least right now) is Terry Pratchett :)

  8. Interesting that you mentioned Maggie Stiefvater's Scorpio Races -- I just wrote my long overdue review of Forever, scheduled to post tomorrow, and I was so disappointed in the conclusion of that series that I am not sure I wanted to read anymore of her books. I might re-think that after seeing your comments, though :-)

    1. I STILL haven't read Forever, though it is, ironically, waiting on my shelf. I did enjoy Scorpio, but I didn't love it and I probably won't rave about it.

  9. I read by mood, but often my mood is influenced by other bloggers. I like getting excited about a book and when a blogger can sweep me up in their excitement, then I let it happen.

    1. I think my mood is influenced by other bloggers too - I moved a few books up the TBR just recently after reading others' ravings. Maybe there's hope I'll read by mood soon!

  10. So, I'm curious if you all have an actual, physical TBR pile. I talk about my TBR pile all the time, but I don't actually have one! Scandalous, right? I have hundreds of review books on my desk and hundreds on my bookshelves. I just grab whatever I'm in the mood for. Hm, perhaps I should be more organized??

    1. I guess I don't really have a "pile" - it's more of a shelf of review books and then my library pile and other shelved books. I consider the review book shelf my "pile." I also think I refer to the to-read shelf on goodreads as my TBR "pile." But I know there are lots of people who have a pile on their nightstand of soon TBR books. I've done that occasionally, but it starts to annoy me with its towering.

      Organization is HIGHLY overrated :)


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