Monday, May 14, 2012

Northwest Regional Library

It's been quite some time since I highlighted a library, and I've been remiss in showing my new local library.  Since I use this delight quite frequently, I thought I'd get around to sharing the local love. 

Coming from a place where the local libraries were NOT a branch of a bigger system, this county-wide library system was new to me.  And I have to admit, I kind of like it!  Not only does it make the selection much wider, but it also allows for more copies of books and (hopefully) shorter hold list waits!  Without further ado, here's a glimpse at the new local, the Northwest Regional Library:

This is the front of the building, definitely has a southwest flavor to it.  I love the mural, even though most of the time when I come, I don't even give it a second glance.

This is the detail from the mural, which was done by a local artist (Niki Glen).

This is the clock tower, though to be honest, I don't think I've ever even noticed this. Gotta open my eyes a bit more.

This, I have seen.  It's pretty cool actually, a sculpture of a tree, called "The Reading Tree" and it's really beautiful.  Done by another local artist Joe Tyler. 

I didn't take any photos of the inside either, but it's got LOTS of computers and even a (small-ish) teen section, which I feel free to browse (though not too often, as that would explode the TBR pile).

Is your local library part of a bigger system or is it a stand alone?  Which do you prefer?

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  1. There's a city library just a few miles down the road, but I never go there. I drive the extra miles to my county library. It's big, open, bright and organized. Totally the worth the gas money.

    1. I've been really lucky to always have a pretty good one right by me. Glad to know you have one you love sort of nearby :)

  2. I like these posts! I think of some of the libraries I've been to and how boring they look and so any time a library actually has something fun to look at (besides the books, of course) I think it's worth a highlight.

    1. Me too! Utah has a lot of really lovely libraries - enjoy them for me :)

  3. I like libraries that are part of a system. We had one in st. louis, and a county one here. I feel like everything is available (even if sometimes I have to wait a day or two).

    1. I do too! The extra waiting is worth it to get a larger variety.

  4. We live in on the opposite side of town, near the Southeast Regional Library. It's a decent library system. I'm always been able to get what I want, usually within a few days. I love the mural on your library. We have some sculptures in front of the Southeast Regional Library, but nowhere near as cool as that. Thanks for highlighting this.

    1. Ooh, I'll have to see if I can swing by that library sometime. I love to see the diff branch libraries that are part of the system.

  5. This is beautiful. What a great library!!! I love all the art!

    1. I love how libraries and art seem to go together so nicely!


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