Thursday, May 10, 2012

Book Review: Partials by Dan Wells

Partials by Dan Wells
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Publication date: February 2012
Pages: 480
Source: Library
For: the Dystopian Challenge
Series: Partials, Book 1

In a world where nearly all humans have been wiped out by the RM virus, and replaced by an engineered race of not-quite-humans, Kira has spent the last few years trying to fight the virus that continues to decimate the last surviving humans. When she makes a desperate bid to try to find the cure, she is led on a dangerous mission that might offer her more than she bargained for.

Things I Liked:
Wow, what a good story!  I think the best part about this dystopian book is the complex story and the very well thought out and developed setting and world.  It seems like Wells thought it through very completely and it is so thorough that I truly felt immersed in the story.  I really appreciated the passages where Kira tried to figure out how the virus works and what might cure it (though I can see how that will deter some readers).  I honestly wasn't entirely sure where the story would go, because it wasn't what I thought it would be from the beginning.  Though, there was something I figured out very early on, I wasn't 100% sure how it would play out.  It's an interesting, fast-paced, and rather terrifying look at the future of our race.  And there was much laughing along the way too:
"I've never been this wet in my life," said Kira.  "Even immersed in a bathtub I swear I was dryer than I am now."
"Look on the bright side," said Marcus.
Kira waited.
"This is the point," she said, "at which you would traditionally suggest a bright side." 
"I've never been a real traditional guy," said Marcus.  "Besides, I'm not saying I know a bright side, I just think this would be a great time to look at one." p 45
"My contribution was to somehow refrain from peeing myself.  You can thank me later." p 344
Things I Didn't Like:
There were parts of the story that I can see people being bored - as I mentioned above the parts where she's figuring out the RM virus and how it works, etc.  The somewhat technical explanations can be confusing or frustrating or just plain boring.  It was quite a long book too, with a lot of stuff going on.  Still, I never got bored or distracted and I really loved how everything developed and played out.  Including that cliff-hangery ending.  Great new series!

Peeps by Scott Westerfeld
The Passage by Justin Cronin

s-factor: !
only a few here and there

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->->
fighting and rioting and such does happen, but not really gory

Overall rating: *****

How do you like the science in your books?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I love Dan Wells and I am really excited to read this one! I'm glad you enjoyed this one.

    1. I haven't read his other series (it makes me a bit squeamish), but this one is awesome!

  2. Read this a little while ago myself. OK, if you figured it out, you were ahead of me. I wasn't thinking that far ahead. I think maybe you don't read enough science fiction, though, because the explanations were pretty light. I also really liked it.

    1. I definitely don't read much sci-fi. At least, not hard core sci-fi. This, I think, is a bit heavier than what is in the main stream of sci-fi-ish YA lit. Lighter than some, but heavier than most.

  3. Oh good! I'm so glad you liked it! I'm worried people were bothered by the sciencey stuff too. I guess for everyone that was bothered by it there's someone who appreciated it.

    1. Ah, so true of any book. And any aspect of any book.

  4. This one, like too many others, is on the Primary Pile downstairs...I'm glad it's good!

    1. Please tell me you have a secondary and tertiary pile too. I need to have a hierarchy of TBR piles :)

  5. This book was nothing I was excepting it to be and everything I had hoped it would be. It's a thrilling, intense roller coaster ride with a little bit of everything in this book. There's an incredibly engaging blend of science, medicine, and survival all mixed into this book. Not to mention the army like staggery that is present in parts of the book which makes up for the storyline's action. I hope that doesn't scare anyone off, because when you read Partials you'll know what I'm talking about. Dan Wells has created a truly fascinating story that left me wanting much more.

    1. Yes! Great description and reasoning to love this story. I'm so glad you liked it so much!


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