Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Classic Double Challenge: May

I can't believe it's May already!  How are you coming on your Classic Double reading?  I FINALLY got two books read and reviewed last month (New Girl, a retelling of Rebecca).  I don't even have my next books planned out yet, but I've got to get more organized if I'm going to get more pairs read.  If you'd like to sign up for the Classic Double Challenge, you still can.  Check out all the information at the Classic Double Challenge sign-up post.  If you still need some inspiration on books to choose, check out my list of retellings and other related books.

I've picked a winner for April and it is:

Congrats - and way to go on your progress!  She's posted a few reviews already (check out April's links for some of them). 

I can't think of a fabulous question to ask about retellings today, my mind is ridiculously empty.  Instead, I'll ask what the biggest road block to completing this challenge is for you - a specific book, general lack of time, too many other books to read, etc.

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. My biggest roadblock is that I've finally decided on the books I'm going to read but now I don't want to get started. :( I've been putting off reading The Scarlet Letter forever!

    1. Yeah, I have that problem a lot. And you never want to force yourself to read something when there are so many things you *want* to read! I give you permission to skip it if you need to :)

  2. Gah! I keep forgetting about this challenge! There's my road block! I need to get a retelling of Persuasion and then some other Robin Hood one.. or... I don't know how to do Robin Hood!

    1. You could try The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, which was published sometime in the 1800s and based on some ballads. Or you could try to find some of those original ballads - I bet the library has a book or two with them. :)


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