Monday, April 30, 2012

Name That Book, Episode 24

Name that Book is an irregular feature where you get to guess a book title from the photo clues. 

So, it's been much too long since my last Name That Book game and I finally got one together for you today!  Leave your guesses in the comments and if you need a hint, one of these books I'm currently reading and the other is closely related to that book...

Book 1:

Book 2:

Any guesses?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. You know, Moley. I've read these for a long time, and I've never, ever gotten one. In an effort to not feel dumb, I tell myself that I just don't know what books are out these days.

    But your hint just let me get one: Curse of the Blue Tattoo! Yay!

    1. It really does depend on if you've heard of/read the books. Great job on getting one of them!

  2. The other one is Mississippi Jack (clues really do help).

    1. Good guess! I guess I should do clues more often :)

  3. oh good, I'm glad other clever people solved them! I didn't recognize the jack as such at all!

    1. I was going to use a famous person who's name was Jack, but decided against it at the last minute - I'm not good with celebrity faces :)

  4. I didn't get either this time. I think it's cause I don't know these two books. And I didn't cheat and look at what you were reading. ;)

    1. That's usually what makes it so I don't guess the puzzles - especially if I've never even heard of it!


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