Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Book Review: The Traitor in the Tunnel by Y.S. Lee

The Agency 3: The Traitor in the Tunnel by Y.S. Lee
Publisher: Candlewick
Publication date: February 2012
Pages: 384
Source: e-book from NetGalley
For: Review
Series: The Agency, Book 3

Mary has settled for a quiet and comfortable job at Buckingham Palace, investigating some rumors of petty thefts. As a maid there, she is inconspicuous and the job is pretty small. But, when a much bigger scandal threatens to upend the royal family, she finds there is more going on in the palace than she could possibly imagine.

Things I Liked:
I still love this series.  There's something so fascinating about a Victorian mystery starring a woman who works for a secret agency employing only women agents.  Mary continues to entertain with her headstrong, dangerous ways and cleverness.  I just love watching the way she interacts with people in the time period, because she's different from what you'd expect of a woman, especially one who is half Chinese, in that era.  The historical details are very well done, compelling and believable and they bring you 100% into the story.  Oh, and James - wow I loved their interactions!  Some really good romance there.  It was interesting, it was compelling, it's just smart historical fiction with a unique heroine.  I'd like more Mary adventures, especially with the way the Agency is going now.

Things I Didn't Like:
The mystery and story itself didn't seem to hold together as well as the other books did.  There were a few too many different story lines going on and I kind of lost interest at times.  Still, I think this is a series worth reading and following.  I'm especially interested to see where Mary goes next, what with that surprising ending.

Read the first two Agency books by Y.S. Lee
Still reminds me of The Ruby in the Smoke by Philip Pullman

s-factor: none 
that I recall

mrg-factor: X 
heavy kissing, but no further

v-factor: none

Overall rating: ****

What's your favorite historical fiction time period?
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  1. I know exactly what you mean about this one having too many storylines, but James... sigh. I love James!

    1. James is very swoony in this one. Can't wait for more of them in the next one :)

  2. My niece read some of these and liked them but I just can't get into them. I think I burned myself out on mysteries when I was a teenager.

    1. These are about the only "hard-core" mysteries I have actually read. For some reason, I never got bitten by the mystery bug and never read them.


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