Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Quotes

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and today's topic is our Top Ten Favorite Quotes from a Book.  I used to quite often include quotes from the books I reviewed, though I've been doing it less often.  So there are a LOT of quotes on my blog and it was practically impossible to pick an actual Top Ten Book Quotes.  So, here are ten book quotes that I enjoy, and to make things fun, why don't you folks try to guess which books they come from?  There are a few easy ones and some hard ones.  Enjoy!

"She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; I am in no humor at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men."
--Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

"It occured to me that Heaven must be a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  No...eight days a week."
--Flavia de Luce in The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley

"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king."
--in reference to Aragorn in The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

"Stories give you a way to see things.  A way to understand the events of your life.  Even if you don't realize it while you're hearing the tale."
--from Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby

"Reader, I married him."
--Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
"Flawed, we're truly interesting, truly memorable, and yes, truly beautiful."
--from North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley

"No. Definitely not.  We could lose our lives for that Jewish child!"  Unseen by either of us, Father had appeared in the doorway.  "Give the child to me, Corrie," he said....  "You say we could lose our lives for this child.  I would consider that the greatest honor that could come to my family."
--from The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

"It looks too new and pristine ever to have been read by anyone else, but it has been: it keeps falling open at the most delightful places as the ghost of its former owner points me to things I've never read before."
--Helene in 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

"Today defies explanation, but for me, life has never been explainable. It's been a lopsided, illogical, messy affair, where answers are in short supply, but maybe that's the way it is for everyone. Sometimes the fairness is all bunched up in one place, and all the injustice is bunched up in another, and sometimes it is all bunched up in the most improbable ways, but whatever you get, wherever you are, there are still the moments that pin you to this world when you'd rather float away. Small, in-between moments, where there is magic and purpose and design and they are so perfectly beautiful they ache."
--from The Miles Between by Mary Pearson

"Real life is not quite as it is in stories.  In the old tales, bad things happen, and when the tale has unfolded and come to its triumphant conclusion, it is as if the bad things had never been.  Life is not as simple as that, not quite."
--from Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier

With a little ingenuity, I think you can find those quotes (hint: most of them are already on my blog in the review for the book).  Where do your favorite bookish quotes come from?

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  1. The first three are P&P, SatBotP, and LotR, and then there's THP at #7. Those are the only ones I knew at first glance. #5 seemed very familiar but couldn't figure it out til I googled it. Duh!

    1. Oh and I knew I had read #8 before too but I never would have put my finger on it. Such a great quote too. Love 84,CCR.

    2. Great job, Kim! I think I wouldn't have gotten so many at first glance.

  2. My heart sighs every time I hear that quote from Jane Eyre... love that book! Also, I'm not sure where the 8 days a week library quote is from (will google it), but I couldn't agree more!!

    1. Loved the eight days a week for a library quote (in case you didn't find it - Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie). Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I'll play!

    1. Pride and Prejudice
    2. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
    3. Lord of the Rings
    4. Icefall (didn't know this one off the top of my head - I still need to read it!)
    5. Jane Eyre
    6. North of Beautiful
    7. The Hiding Place (love this book!)
    8. 84 Charing Cross Road
    9. The Miles Between (had to put google to work for this one too - I haven't heard of this book before, but it sounds great!)
    10. Daughter of the Forest

    1. Wow! Way to go, Emily. You got them all and FAST. Here I thought it would take some time - go figure with google being so accessible :)

  4. Had a hard time guessing. Great post! Love the Pride and Prejudice quote.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Rose. Hopefully you enjoyed the quotes, even if you didn't guess them :)

  5. I didn't do so well. I think it's sad that I knew the Jane Eyre one as I hate that book!

    1. Ha! Well, I guess even if you hated it, it was memorable :)

  6. Great choices, and even though I've read several, the only one that leaped out at me immediately was Jane Eyre.

    1. I chose one of the most iconic from that book, so that's probably why it jumped out :)

  7. It was fun to know I didn't have to look alllll of them up! :) running into a quote like that and recognizing it is like running into a hometown Iowa friend while walking down the streets of Belfast! so familiar and such a bond!

    1. Yes! I love that analogy - like an old friend popping up in unexpected places. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I know that first one is from P&P and Mr. Darcy says it. I've actually passed that point in the book. :)

    1. It makes me all kinds of happy that you are discovering this book for the first time! Hope you like it :)

  9. "I am in no humor at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men." I love this quote. ♥

    1. I love the irony of him saying it and then falling in love with her. Ah, great story.

  10. I haven't read a lot of those books, but I love the quote from Pride and Prejudice!
    Thanks for stopping by on my blog, and happy reading!

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog too - P&P has so many delightfully quotable parts.


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