Monday, April 23, 2012

Friends of the Blogging Variety

So.  I met up with some blogger friends a few weeks ago.  And I totally never posted about it!  It was so much fun to see Suey of It's All About Books fame, one of my favorite book bloggers that I knew from Utah.  And then I got to meet two new friends, Susan of Bloggin' Bout Books and Gay from Inside a Book, some bloggers from my new homestate of Arizona!  We talked and laughed and ate delicious treats (oh, I wish I'd taken a photo of that cinnamon roll I had).  I love meeting new bloggers and hanging with ones I already know.  Thanks go to Suey for getting it set up, Susan and Gay for showing up, and Changing Hands for putting up with us :)  For more thorough or interesting recaps, check out their posts:  Suey, Susan, and Gay.

There were photos taken, none of which seem flattering to me, but I'll steal the one from Gay's blog post, since it seems the least horrible (and, um, I don't know where my phone pic went...). 

me, Susan, Suey, Gay
What's your favorite part about blogger meet-ups?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Too bad I wasn't there. :( I love meeting and hanging out with book bloggers. You KNOW you'll always have things to talk about.

    1. I love that! I hate worrying about what to talk about - not a problem with bookish people :) Wish you could have come too.

  2. My favorite part of blogger meet-ups is putting a face to the blog. I find that it strengthens my admiration of the blogger when they step away from the keyboard to come out in the open. :D

    1. Ooh, yes I like this too! Even if I sometimes have a hard time doing it :) It's nice to think of the person behind the blog.

  3. Our picture taking didn't turn out for the best really, did it. But oh well, at least we have one! So fun! We are still talking about our bookstore experience!

    1. I tend to look strange in photos anyway, but it's nice to have one at all. Ah, wish I could come for bookish meet-ups in Utah - any plans for August? :)

  4. It was tons of fun. I loved meeting all of you. We definitely need to do it again soon!

    1. Yes, I would like to meet up again! Hopefully we'll have an event that we can all make it to.

  5. That moment when you as strangers look into each other's eyes and KNOW. You loved the same books and for the same reasons and it. is. awesome.

    1. Well said, Angie! I love making that connection and knowing it is deeper than just liking the same book.

  6. I love when book bloggers get to meet! So far I've only met one local blogger and we've met up a few times. Hope to do more of it because of the sense of comraderie.


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