Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bring on the Read-a-Thon: Progress and Finish!

It's finally time for another read-a-thon!  Yeah!

Post read-a-thon survey:

-Which hour was most daunting for you?
Um, actually right in the middle, about hours 13-15, since I was doing other stuff

-Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
I think if you pick some nice short YA non-fiction, it goes down easy - especially if there are photos and other things (I really enjoyed Flesh and Blood So Cheap by Albert Marrin)
Also, I loved Partials by Dan Wells, but it is pretty long despite the quickness of the read

-Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
A little more advertising in advance - I think it kind of surprised me when it arrived cause I hadn't heard anything about it since I signed up!

-What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
The hosts and mini-challenges

-How many books did you read?
I only finished one  and started/continued three

-What were the names of the books you read?
Finished: Flesh and Blood So Cheap by Albert Marrin
Started/continued: The Curse of the Blue Tattoo by LA Meyer (audio), Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers, and Partials by Dan Wells

-Which book did you enjoy most?
Um, actually I really loved all of them!

-Which did you enjoy least?
see above :)

-How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again?
Quite likely - I tend to sign up even when I don't have the time

-What role would you be likely to take next time?
Reader and I really ought to sign up to be a Cheerleader too - and I plan to host my Book Puzzle mini-challenge again :)

Update #4, hour 20 (Final Update)

Title of book(s) currently reading: Partials by Dan Wells and listening to The Curse of the Blue Tattoo by LA Meyer
Number of books completed since I started: still only 1, I guess I jump around too much :)(Flesh and Blood So Cheap by Albert Marrin)
Pages read since last update: 130
Total pages read since I started: 538
Time spent reading since last update: 2.75 hrs
Time spent reading since I started: 11.25 hrs
Mini-challenges completed: 6 ish (I think) no new ones :(

Update #3, hour 17

Title of book(s) currently reading: Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers and listening to The Curse of the Blue Tattoo by LA Meyer
Number of books completed since I started: 1 (Flesh and Blood So Cheap by Albert Marrin)
Pages read since last update: 200 (including audiobook)
Total pages read since I started: 408
Time spent reading since last update: 3.5 hrs
Time spent reading since I started: 8.5 hrs
Mini-challenges completed: 6 ish (I think)

Update #2, hour 13
Title of book(s) currently reading: Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers and listening to The Curse of the Blue Tattoo by LA Meyer
Number of books completed since I started: 1 (Flesh and Blood So Cheap by Albert Marrin)
Pages read since last update: 113
Total pages read since I started: 208
Time spent reading since last update: 2 hrs (friends stopped by!)
Time spent reading since I started: 5 hrs
Mini-challenges completed: 5 ish (I think)

Mid-event Survey
1) How are you doing? Sleepy? Are your eyes tired?
Ready to buckle down and read (just said goodbye to some visitors)
2) What have you finished reading?
Just one book - Flesh and Blood So Cheap by Albert Marrin (so moving!)
3) What is your favorite read so far?
I am really enjoying listening to Curse of the Blue Tattoo - what an awesome audiobook
4) What about your favorite snacks?
I just devoured some delicious cookies, so I might need to have something healthy now...
5) Have you found any new blogs through the readathon? If so, give them some love! I haven't had a chance to look at all the book puzzle entries yet, but I'm quite sure there are lots of fun ones there!

Update #1, hour 7
Title of book(s) currently reading: Still with Flesh and Blood So Cheap by Albert Marrin and listening to The Curse of the Blue Tattoo by LA Meyer
Number of books completed since I started: 0
Pages read since last update: 95 (+ about 45 min of audiobook)
Total pages read since I started: 95
Time spent reading since last update: 3 hrs
Time spent reading since I started: 3 hrs
Mini-challenges completed: 3 ish (I think)

Ok, so this might be another disastrously poor blogger event for me, but I think with some handy dandy audio books, I might be able to pull off something decent.  I love read-a-thons, and though I'm trying to accomplish stuff on our new house, I just couldn't pass it up.  Here's my info for the intro challenge:

-Where are you reading from today?
My new house!  Hopefully outside in the nice weather of AZ (nice until it gets too hot, that is).

-A bit about me.
1- I should be working on my house.
2- I'm neither a morning person nor a night person - I guess I'm a midday person
3- I can't say no to chocolate peanut butter candy (oh the reese's were invented for me)

I have a list of 6 books here that I'd say are my options, not necessarily TBR:
Curse of the Blue Tattoo by LA Meyer (best. audiobooks. ever.)
Flesh and Blood So Cheap by Albert Marrin
The Notorious Benedict Arnold by Steve Sheinkin
Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Partials by Dan Wells
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
-Book I'm most looking forward to is Partials by Dan Wells

-Snack I'm looking forward to:
Oops, forgot to plan for snacks! I did have Cherries with fresh strawberries though and it was yummy :)

-If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, any advice for people doing this for the first time?
Stop reading if it is becoming a drudgery and do something else.  This shouldn't make you not want to read, it's not a contest.  Enjoy yourself until you aren't anymore and then stop :)

I'd like to read about three books, but have no real goals as far as hours or mini-challenges  (I am hosting a fun mini-challenge from hour 3 to 6, so check it out).

I'll be updating this post throughout the read-a-thon, so just check back every once in a while to see how things are going, if you're interested.

What are your plans for the read-a-thon (or for this weekend if you're not doing the read-a-thon)?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Thanks for hosting such a fun mini-challenge; enjoy your readathon + house stuff day!

  2. Good luck with your read-a-thon today!

  3. Keep up the great work! Audio books are a great idea when you have stuff to get accomplished. I should try those next time.

    1. I should have utilized the audiobook more, then maybe I would have done better!

  4. I love your advice. People get so worried about the number of pages they read and forget it's supposed to be enjoyable. Keep up the great enjoyable reading!

    Team Polonius

    1. I have to keep reminding myself, even when I know the pages don't matter! Hope you had a good time.

  5. Oooh, Grave Mercy is SO good! And don't feel like it's disastrous at all! I've only just finished my first book, but really, dedicating any time at all to read on any given day is an accomplishment in and of itself! And we aren't even at the halfway mark yet so there's plenty of time :)

    Audiobooks are fantastic though, I hope you're enjoying them! Keep it up :)

    Brenna from Esther's Ever After

    1. I've really been enjoying Grave Mercy, though I didn't finish it yet. You are right, finding time to read at all is an accomplishment!

  6. Sigh. I wanted to join the read-a-thon but I had too many things going on. :( Next time hopefully.

    1. I should probably not have joined this time, but I just can't help myself!


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