Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: My All Time Favorite Characters

Today's Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is a great one - our Top Ten All Time Favorite Characters in Books.  And this was a struggle for me - not that I couldn't find any, but that I had so many to choose from!  So, consider this a very short portion of what is a very long list. 

Anne Shirley, from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
That spunky, wild, imaginative girl (who I will always picture as Megan Follows). I can't imagine a childhood or adulthood without Anne being some part of it. I hope we would have been bosom friends.

Harry from The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
Harry is the epitome of the orphan girl who grows to be a great sword-wielding, all-around tough gal. Just love her!

Holling Hoodhood from The Wednesday Wars by Gary Schmidt
Holling always manages to make me laugh hysterically and also want to cry a little bit. Nothing dampens his spirits completely, not even Shakespeare :)

Bartimaeus from the Bartimaeus Trilogy (and The Ring of Solomon) by Jonathan Stroud
Nothing can get me laughing like the antics of the ignoble djinn Bartimaeus. His wry and slick sense of humor makes this series one of my favorites when I need a good laugh.

Valek from Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
There is something about this broody, hot man that makes me swoon. Maybe it's because he is always there when you need him :)

Jacky from the Bloody Jack series by LA Meyer
This series is a new, but favorite discovery for me. Jacky is incouragable and incurable and just so hilarious! I love how she sometimes just can't be good!

Grandma Dowdel from A Long Way From Chicago, A Year Down Yonder, and A Season of Gifts by Richard Peck
This spunky and still sprightly old lady can always bring the tears to my eyes - from laughing so hard! Her adventures will leave you rolling on the floor with aching sides - guaranteed.

Eowyn and Faramir from The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
I know, I'm cheating and doing two at once, but these two are my all-time favorite characters from this series. Eowyn who refuses to accept her role as a woman left behind and Faramir who, despite his character being slaughtered in the films, is the toughest, smartest, and most noble of men in the books.

Jane Eyre from, well, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Despite what many view her as - the plain governess who falls in love with her employer - this woman has a steely resolve and an unwavering sense of what's right and I love how she doesn't let anyone, not even Mr. Rochester, convince her otherwise!

Kit from The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
She's been one of my favorite heroines since I first discovered this book in 4th grade! Her bright, unconquerable spirit and character, despite the New England gloom of her day, was just what I wanted to emulate when I grew up.

Who are your favorite literary characters?

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  1. I loooove Bartemeus. I need to finish that series!

    1. The last book is really quite surprising - and I loved Ring of Solomon too :)

  2. I think it's so interesting that Holling Hoodhood is on your list. Had I not read the book for book club, I wouldn't have even known he existed. But, yes, you are right. He's a great character, especially in the circumstances he finds himself in.

    1. I love Holling - he truly makes me laugh no matter how many times I read that book! So glad you got a chance to discover him.

  3. Bartimaeous got me through a week of a 1st trimester -- thank you Bartimaeous! (And thanks, Melissa, for the review that led me to him :).

    1. Ooh, I'm glad you had him for that week - sounds like good therapy :)

  4. Love this list! I agree with all of these (except I haven't read the Bloody Jack series or Bartimaeus trilogy yet - which means I need to move them up on the list) but I'd have to add Elizabeth Bennett and Hermione Granger to the mix too. :D

    1. I definitely can agree to Lizzy and Hermione! They round the list out nicely. Hopefully you'll try Bloody Jack and Bartimaeus soon - they are both delightful.

  5. Love your list and that you have a bunch on here that people wouldn't think of right off!

    1. Believe me, I had a lot of the usuals (from Harry Potter, etc), but realized I had SO many more that I could put on there too.

  6. LOL! I'm so amused my your list. Half of them I'm so totally agreeing with you on and others I'm completely disagreeing with! How is that possible?! There's no way I could have come up with just ten.

    1. Ha! I'm glad we can agree on at least half of them :) Believe me, the list is a LOT longer than 10.

  7. Anne is at the tippy top of my list! Love her! And you're the first person I've seen who also put Kit from WoBB! Loved that book when I was little!

    My Top Ten Characters

    1. Ah, Kit. She really was my first book heroine crush :)


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