Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Book Review: Ivy and the Meanstalk by Dawn Lairamore

 Posted as part of Tween Tuesday, hosted by GreenBeanTeenQueen.
Ivy and the Meanstalk by Dawn Lairamore
Publisher: Holiday House
Publication date: October 2011
Pages: 221
Source: Review copy provided by publicist
For: Review
Series: Sequel to Ivy's Ever After

Princess Ivy and her dragon friend Elridge seem to be settling down after saving Ivy's kingdom.  But not for long.  When a giant beanstalk disrupts Ivy's fairy godmother's wedding, Ivy and Elridge are pulled into another new adventure.  This time, they must recover a stolen harp to help an angry insomniac giantess before it is too late for the kingdom.  Can they convince the greedy king who has it to help them out?

Things I Liked:
This was another fun adventure for Princess Ivy and her faithful dragon friend Elridge.  I loved the way the Jack and the Beanstalk tale is woven throughout, but has a very different perspective from the usual.  It is a fractured fairy tale at its best.  I love Ivy and the way she grows and changes over the book, but also the way she doesn't fit into the typical princess mold - and doesn't particularly care if she does.  Her zany adventures are a blast, and there is some depth and thought to the book, making it more than just fluff.

Things I Didn't Like:
These books are fun for younger MG/older elementary kids, though the end was just a little too easy (though there were some surprising difficulties as well).  Change came to some characters a bit too quickly, but fortunately not for Ivy.  Still an enjoyable read for those who might like a light twist on the typical fairy tale.

Read the first in the series, Ivy's Ever After by Dawn Lairamore
Reminded me of Jessica Day George's Dragon Slippers books

s-factor: none 

mrg-factor: none 

v-factor: none 

Overall rating: **** 

What's your favorite fractured fairy tale?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. There seem to be a lot of books lately with twists on well known fairy tales. Interesting how the story is re-woven.

    1. This is probably the only Jack retelling with this kind of twist I know of.

  2. Thanks so much for the review, Melissa! If any of your readers would like to read chapters from Ivy's Ever After or Ivy and the Meanstalk, or find out more about the books, I'd love to have them visit my website: www.dawnbooks.com.

  3. These books sound cute but I have such a hard time reading MG lately. Maybe when I have kids and can read it to them.

    1. I have to be in the right mood to enjoy MG too, but I really like to read it even without kids :)

  4. These sounds cute. I love that fairy tales are so popular right now!

    1. I'm a fairy tale fan, so all these stories make me happy too.


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