Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Book Review: The Fox Inheritance by Mary Pearson

The Fox Inheritance by Mary Pearson
Publisher: Henry Holt
Publication date: August 2011
Pages: 304
Source: ARC provided by publisher

For: Review
Series: Jenna Fox Chronicles, Book 2

*Spoilers for The Adoration of Jenna Fox*
Two hundred and sixty years after Jenna woke up, her two best friends Kara and Locke have finally been released.  After spending centuries locked inside their own memories in the dark, the two are trying to adjust to a new life, in a completely new world.  As they learn more about their new place in this world, they become more and more anxious to find the one person they remember from before: Jenna.

Things I Liked:
I'm always excited to read books about future ethical issues, particularly medical ethics.  And this book also has a fabulous story to go with it.  It has complex and interesting characters, internal and external conflict, and all the makings of a spanking good story.  I love how Pearson's future world felt realistic and totally believable - I can see how these types of medical advances just might be possible.  I liked being in Locke's head, feeling all that he experienced being in a new world and trying to figure things out, all while still dealing with the horrible past he couldn't forget.  A book that will make you think deeply about what being human means.  Here's  some of my favorite parts:

I have a fabricated body. I am in a world that is completely different from the one I was born into. What I think is all I have left. My mind is the only thing that makes me different from a fancy toaster. What we think does matter - it's all we truly have. p 105
My surprise at the mission suddenly clicks. I didn't picture a future that would have room for faith. I thought everything would be explainable by now, right down to the atom of every mystery, but the world has more mysteries for me now than it ever did. In fact, I am one of those mysteries. How does someone like me fit into this world now? p 180-181
I told you Bots dream. At least some of us do, whether we are supposed to or not, we dream. Some of us think beyond our cabs, we imagine where our customers go and what things they see. When they jump into our cabs, we imagine where they have been, and how it has changed them.their worlds become our secret worlds, and sometimes we share those places with others like us and sometimes ed even dare to dream that those worlds could be lures knew day. We don't know if that could ever be true for us, but we hear stories. And now...I am one of those stories. Escape is not about moving from one place to another. It's about becoming more. p 249-250
Things I Didn't Like:
Despite the great story surrounding Locke and Kara, I was not as interested as when we were in Jenna's head in the first book.  Also, some parts of it were slow and made me want to put it down. Still, I wholeheartedly enjoyed this sequel/companion novel to one of my favorite futuristic books, The Adoration of Jenna Fox.

Start with The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary Pearson
Unwind by Neal Shusterman
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer

s-factor: !

a few

mrg-factor: X
a little bit implied

v-factor: ->
a bit here and there, nothing too gory

Overall rating: ****

What's your favorite thing about futuristic books?

Looking for more dystopian goodness?  Be sure to stop at Presenting Lenore's Dystopian February celebration.

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  1. I've had this on the stack now for awhile and am so anxious to get to it.

  2. Hmmm...I listened to THE ADORATION OF JENNA FOX a couple of years ago. And I liked it but had some reservations. Perhaps I will try this one.

    1. I think Adoration is a stronger book, but I think you might enjoy this one too. It's quite different.

  3. I can't wait for book #3! I listened to this on audio and it was great. Nice review...


    1. Ooh, I didn't know there would be a third book - it should be interesting to see where she takes it next!


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