Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Book Review: Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick

Posted as part of Tween Tuesday, hosted by GreenBeanTeenQueen.
Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Publication date: September 2011
ISBN: 9780545027892
Source: Library

Ben has been struggling to feel comfortable in his life, ever since his mother died.  Living with his aunt and uncle is strange and he feels alienated.  When a strange turn of events leaves him unable to hear, he sets off on a journey to find someone, though he isn't quite sure who.  His story intersects with Rose, who lived fifty years earlier with her father.  But she is not satisfied to have the quiet existence her father seeks for her and she sets out looking for something too.  Will they each find what they need?

Things I Liked:
The experience!  I loved reading and then watching the stories unfold.  The illustrations that tell Rose's story were almost more vivid than the words describing Ben's story.  It was a pleasure to read and watch the two different characters' stories collide and intertwine in unexpected ways.  The whole reading experience was great fun and completely different from anything I've read before (with the possible exception of The Invention of Hugo Cabret).  So much fun and such a great story, an especially good pick for reluctant readers, since those illustrations can really draw you into the story and keep you reading.

Things I Didn't Like:
I thought the story stumbled in a few places and if it had been all text, I might have lost interest.  But with the unique way it's told and the beautiful illustrations, I had to keep going.  (And I'm probably the only non-raving reviewer of this one - it seems everyone else adored it!)  A delightful new book!

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick is the only thing I can think of quite like it

s-factor: none 

that I recall

mrg-factor: none 
just some wondering about parentage

v-factor: -> 
maybe a little frightening in places, but nothing violent

Overall rating: **** 

Do you ever wonder about all those books that fall below your adoring level, but are still good?  Do you forget about them or remember to recommend them?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. this seems like a really unique book.

    here's my review of catching jordan! stop by?!


  2. I think it is always hard to write reviews for books that are just good. Most of the time they were not bad, they just lacked something that would set them apart from the rest. I think it is easy to remember books that I loved and hated more easily than the so-so books.

  3. I recently added this and Hugo Cabret to my wish list. They sound great!

  4. Lindsay, it definitely is!

    Alexa, I completely agree - it's too bad we remember the books we hate more than ones we just liked.

    reviewsbylola, if you like Hugo, I'm sure you'll like this one too!

  5. I agree-the story didn't wasn't perfect and there were a few rough spots. But the illustrations and the way the two weave together is what made the book for me!!

  6. GreenBean, the unique way it is written was what kept me intrigued as well.


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