Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Book Review: Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication date: October 2011
ISBN: 9781442426641
Source: Audiobook provided by publisher


When Nora wakes up in a cemetary with no memory of the last five months of her life, not only does she feel disoriented, but like she's missing something.  No one wants to give her details on just what happened, though they might not know themselves.  The only things she does know are that her mom is dating Hank Miller - the creepy father of her arch-enemy Marcie Miller - and that she's falling for the hot, mysterious Jev, someone she just might have known before.  Will she remember in time to save herself and her mother from certain disaster?

Things I Liked:
The story is pretty interesting, though a bit complicated (or maybe my brain cells are not functioning at full capacity, who knows?).  The ending was full of surprises and intriguing twists and turns.  I got sheer fluffy entertainment out of this one, that's for sure.  I really liked the narrator, Caitlin Greer; she certainly had the teenage girl voice down.  It was almost obnoxiously real at times, like listening to a teen chat with her buddies (no offense, I'm sure I talk(ed) like that too).  But very accurate and well-done.

Things I Didn't Like:
Oh, where to begin.  Honestly, I did not enjoy the book much at all.  If I hadn't been listening to a review book, I would not have finished it.  I got some enjoyment out of the previous book in the series, Crescendo, but this book just bored me and made me angry.  We spend the whole book listening/watching to Nora try to remember everything she learned in the first two books (like a repeat of it all).  And whining, so much whining.  And falling in love with the jerk Patch all over again (yeah, still don't like him).  She epitomizes to me, the character who is TSTL - too stupid to live.  She was such a fool, continually not caring about her own safety in order to do what she thought was right: I must save this person who is being mugged, even though I'm a small helpless girl, instead of running away and calling for helpt (which would probably have been more helpful than saying "No!  You're hurting him!").  Drove me nuts.  If there is another book in this series (which this ending sort of indicates) I will definitely not be reading it.  I have no interest in knowing where Nora and Patch are headed next.  But, from what I've heard, fans of the series really liked it, so read it if you enjoyed those first two books.

The first two in the series: Hush, Hush and Crescendo
Fallen by Lauren Kate or Halo by Alexandra Adornetto

s-factor: ! 
probably a few

mrg-factor: XX 
sensuality mainly, some implied stuff

v-factor: ->->
someone's always fighting someone else

Overall rating: ** 

I'm thinking nearly every fallen angel book I've read has been a fail for me - any really good one's I should consider before giving them up entirely?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I haven't read these and, truthfully, I have no desire to. I can't believe this one just repeated the first two books. I would have been furious. I do LOVE the cover but I still won't read these.

  2. Yeah. It was not my favorite. The covers are quite lovely though :)

  3. I was right there with you on being upset that I paid for a book that was a recap of books one and two. I felt like Becca was just trying to extend her series to make more money on it. This book could have gone so many places and instead this is what we ended up with. I liked the second half of the book much better than the first half, the first half was a waste of 200 pages.

    thanks for the great review. I have heard many people really love Unearthly, although I have not tried it so I can not say for myself if it was good or not.

  4. Alexa, I agreee the second half was more bearable.

    I have read Unearthly and actually enjoyed it, so maybe there is hope for angel books :)


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