Friday, November 11, 2011

Interested in Joining a New Challenge?

Update: I'm thinking I'll get the ball rolling for this challenge.  I'm working on compiling book companions for this, so feel free to leave more suggestions.  And watch the blog for more to come!

So, I'm thinking of starting a new challenge for 2012.  It might be a little obscure or niche, but I thought I'd see if there is any interest.  It would be to read at least two books that were related in some way.  One of the books could be a "classic" meaning it was published probably quite some time before the other.  This could be reimaginings or it could be sequels or it could have some other tie-in.  Very vague, I know, but I think it's clearer with examples:
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle and When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead.  The first is kind of a "classic" and in the second, the main character loves A Wrinkle in Time and it plays a part in the plot. 
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein by Kenneth Oppel.
More obvious, since This Dark Endeavour is a prequel of sorts to Frankenstein.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Jane by April Lindner.
Jane is a retelling of Jane Eyre, set in modern times.
I think this would be a way to get folks to read a classic or just a great older book and a newer one as well.  I could come up with a list of possibilities (and welcome any suggestions you have as well). 
What do you think?  Any takers?  Should I just do this project on my own?
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  1. This is certainly easier than some challenges out there. If you end up doing it I'll take take the challenge.

  2. It sounds great to me! Maybe combine 1984 or The Giver with just about any new Dystopian out there. Or a Jane Austen book with Austenland by Shannon Hale.

  3. I think it'd make a great goodreads reading group. If you picked the books for us to do each month, I think it would be a BLAST to read them both and discuss them. Awesome idea, I just think it might be a better book club thing than a challenge. But either way, count me in!

    Jessica @ Books: A true story

  4. I think this is something I could commit to, AND would greatly enjoy (and I love your first example; being a huge 'A Wrinkle in Time' fan, but not familiar with the second book, I'd snap that up in a heartbeat!)

    I've never been in a 'challenge' - is this only for 'professional' bloggers, or may followers participate?

    jscites2002 at hotmail dot com

  5. Yes, I think I am the one who can commit and enjoyed the blog. Have a great day.

  6. Well, I do plan on reading A Breath of Eyre and maybe this challenge will finally get to me to read Jane Eyre! I'm game :)

  7. That sounds really interesting! I had considered doing something similar with WHEN SHE WOKE and THE SCARLET LETTER. But once could also do 1Q84 and 1984. One pairing I've always meant to do is JANE EYRE and THE EYRE AFFAIR (having never read JE, I've missed alot in the Fforde story!

  8. Jenny, awesome!

    Amber, good suggestions, thanks.

    alison, fantastic!

    Jessica, ooh that would be a fun book club - maybe I'll try out the challenge first and then start a book club if there's more interest. Or maybe I'll try to do both! :)

    Dolly, absolutely anyone can participate! You don't need to be a blogger of any kind to join (especially since I'm anything but professional :)

    Dr. Brown, thanks.

    Small, oh I hope you get to read it soon - one of my faves!

    Melissa, awesome examples - I'll start making a list!

  9. Oh! I thought of another one...March by Geraldine Brooks and Little Women!

  10. Now I just keep stumbling upon companion books! The Time Machine by HG Wells and The Map of Time by Felix J Palma!

  11. Melissa, good ones! I'm getting this list posted today, thank you.


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