Friday, March 25, 2011

Book Review: The Education of Bet by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

The Education of Bet by Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Publication date:
ISBN: 9780547550244
Source: Library

The Education of Bet 

Bet is dissatisfied with her life.  Taken in by kindly older gentleman when her mother died, she is brought up not quite a servant, but not one of the family.  She longs to go to school, like her almost brother Will.  Will, on the other hand, would do anything to get out of school, and has succeeded in being sent down from four other schools already.  When his uncle prepares to send him to another, Will and Bet form a plan so she can attend school and he can join the military.  Will she be able to keep her identity hidden despite bullies, sports, and even love?

Things I Liked:
I'm always interested in historical fiction about women who seek education.  I really enjoyed how realistically this one portrayed the difficulties involved!  Sometimes, I find the stories for these escapades to be too simple and the difficulties sort of glossed over.  Baratz-Logsted carefully considered all the things that would be so hard to conceal, including the monthly bleedings and the problem of a roommate.  Bet was a fun character, sweet and determined to get what she wants.  I thought this was a fairly unique look at getting what you want and determining if that is what you really want.

Things I Didn't Like:
Despite all those good things, I found myself a bit bored.  I'm not sure if this was just my general reading blahs at the time or what, but my mind wandered a lot.  I had a hard time being excited coming back to it.  I think that it was a good and well-written book, but just not unique enough to stand out.  

A Golden Web by Barbara Quick

Also check out all the ladies in disguise at this Listless Monday list

s-factor: !
a few here and there

mrg-factor: XX
nothing terribly strong, but some incidents

v-factor: ->
a bit of bullying

Overall rating: ***

I hate reading a book when I'm in the reading blahs and not liking it! I wish I had time to read some books again and see if I like them better at a different time.

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  1. Thanks for the review. I've been on the fence about this one. It's on my list, but not making much progress towards the top....

  2. Annette, it is very short, though, so if you did pick it up it would take no time at all to read. That said, I'd say whenever it makes its way to the top :)


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