Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Actually NEED It 9

I Actually NEED It is an extremely irregular feature where I express my desire, or rather need, for certain books that haven't come out or aren't available at my library yet.  To learn about the reason behind the name, check out my inaugural I Actually NEED It post.

It's been a really long time, so here's the rather long list: 

Bumped by Megan McCafferty
An interesting combination of intriguing and slightly freaky premise.  But, it is in one of my fave genres, dystopian, so I'm definitely giving it a shot.  Coming May 2011.

Uncommon Criminals (A Heist Society Novel) 
Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter 
More fun like The Heist Society?  I say bring it on!  I love Ally Carter's fun, lighthearted style and her books are always such a delight to read.  Can't wait for more from Kat. Coming June 2011.

The Girl Is Murder
The Girl Is Murder by Kathryn Miller Haines
I haven't heard much about this one, though I've seen it here and there.  Honestly?  I adore the noir-ish cover and it totally reminds me of a Hitchcock movie, so I'm interested in seeing if it reads that way too.  Coming July 2011.

The Fox Inheritance (The Jenna Fox Chronicles)
The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson
I really enjoyed The Adoration of Jenna Fox when I read it quite a while ago.  It had a lot of interesting ethical dilemmas and thoughts on the future.  Plus I loved The Miles Between, Pearson's other unrelated novel.  Looking forward to more from her!  Coming August 2011.

This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein
This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein by Kenneth Oppel
I have a soft spot in my heart for Frankenstein, one of my favorite classic books.  But, I also have a huge love for Kenneth Oppel, whose steampunk series Airborn, Skybreaker, and Starclimber were just fantastic.  Already optioned for the movie too, I hear.  Coming August 2011.

Goliath (Leviathan) 
Goliath by Scott Westerfeld
This series is so awesome!  I love the steampunk-y plot and the excellent characters.  I especially adore the gorgeous illustrations that fit so well with the story.  Looking forward to this part of the series.  Coming September 2011.

Crossed by Ally Condie
You all know I'm a fan, both of Ally as a person and of the first in this series, Matched.  While I'm torn on the cover of this one, it feels a little awkward, I look forward to the progression of covers in the series.  Plus, I'm dying to know what happens to the Cassia next!  Coming November 2011.

What are you anxiously awaiting?

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  1. Wait, what? Torn on the cover of Crossed? I LOVE it! :) Yes, that's one I NEED too. For sure.

  2. I love these posts! They always give me some great suggestions for my TBR pile.

  3. Oh my gah! I had no idea about The Fox Inheritance. That's VERY exciting.

  4. STOP!! I already have more books than I can read in one lifetime waiting on my lists. Stop telling me about others!

  5. Suey, I think the model looks a little stiff to be busting out of that bubble. I love the concept, but the execution is a little weird.

    Gayle, I love doing them!

    Stephanie, I know! I need to reread Adoration before I get the next one.

    Shannon, oh I know the feeling - I get serious "inspiration" for these from other people's wish lists :)


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