Monday, March 15, 2010

Listless Monday, Luck o' the Irish Edition

Listless Monday was inspired by both Amanda at A Bookshelf Monstrosity's feature Books by Theme and Court at Once Upon a Bookshelf's Listed feature.  Be sure to check out their lists!


This week, once again, I have to thank the yalsa-bk listserv.  While attempting to come up with more than a handful of books involving luck (good or bad) and Ireland, I turned to that trusty librarian source.  They didn't fail.  I have been very loose in my inclusion criteria for Irish or luck books, as I'm sure you can tell.  However, in honor of St. Patrick's Day this week, here they are all mixed in together:

Luck o' the Irish

Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt (Ireland/Irish)
Artemis Fowl Eoin Colfer (Ireland/Irish)
Big Slick by Eric Luper (luck)
Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy (Ireland/Irish)
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier (sorta Ireland/Irish)
The Game by Diana Wynne Jones (Ireland/Irish)
The Glass Lake by Maeve Binchy (Ireland/Irish)
The Grave by James Heneghan (Ireland/Irish)
Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier (sorta Ireland/Irish)
The Higher Power of Lucky (sorta luck)
Holes by Louis Sachar (luck)
The Hunter's Moon by O.R. Melling (Ireland/Irish
Hush: An Irish Princess Tale by Donna Jo Napoli (Ireland/Irish)
I Rode A Horse of Milk White Jade by Diane Wilson (luck)
Invisible Lines by Mary Amato (luck)
Lament by Maggie Stiefvater (luck/clover) 
Last of the High Kings by Kate Thompson (Ireland/Irish)
Lucky T by Kate Brian (luck)
Maggie's Door by Patricia Reilly Giff (Ireland/Irish)
The New Policeman by Kate Thompson (Ireland/Irish)
Odd and Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman (luck)
The Prince of Fenway Park by Julianna Baggott(luck)
Scarlett by Cathy Cassidy (Ireland/Irish)
A Sea So Far by Jean Thesman (Ireland/Irish)
So B It by Sarah Weeks (luck)
A Swift, Pure Cry by Siobhan Dowd (Ireland/Irish)
The Wish List by Eoin Colfer (Ireland/Irish)
A Wizard Abroad by Diane Duane (Ireland/Irish)

Suggestions are welcome!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Thanks! This will come in very handy for the Ireland reading challenge I recently signed up for!


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