Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bloggiesta - Still Beating My Blog Into Submission

I am still plugging away at my Bloggiesta goals.  Today is a new day, but it is also turning out to be a busy day.  Busy away from the computer.  I don't know that I'll reach my goal of 18 hours, but I can sure try.  Here are a few of the challenges I have participated in:

Old mini-challenges:

Rebecca at The Book Lady’s Blog – Getting out from underneath the feed reader. (and yet it still seems to overflow...)
Ruth from Bookish Ruth – Have you ever had your blog analyzed?  Now’s the chance! (I'm doing much better than last year!)

New mini-challenges:

Pam from MotherReader -  Blogging is about community, so check out this Comment Challenge (signed up, but have only done 3 of my 10 new blog comments...)
Pam from – There is nothing worse than seeing your post on somebody else’s blog.  Talking about blog copyright and what you need to be doing to protect yourself. (check out the copyright notice on my footer!)
Beth from Beth Fish Reads – Using categories & labels to find what you’re looking for.

Label Goals: Make new labels for a few specific challenges/events (Bloggiesta, BBAW, and read-a-thon) and delete any unspecific one-post labels

I now have labels for Bloggiesta, BBAW, and the read-a-thon and I dropped a very few of my one-post labels (decided to keep my series labels, even if I'd only read one book, in the hopes that I will eventually read more of them).

Jackie from Farm Lane Books – Do not lose it all!  How to back up your blog. (Yeah, now I won't lose everything!)
Rebecca from The Book Lady’s Blog – 2010 Resolutions.  You know you got them! 

Here are my 2010 reading/blogging goals:
-Do not let reading become a chore (sometimes I forget how much I love reading when I feel like it HAS to be done).
-Write better summaries (something I've been struggling with, I'm open to suggestions)
-Spend a little more time when writing reviews (sometimes I'll just write whatever because I feel like I need to get one posted)

I've got a few other mini-challenges I'm thinking about, so hopefully I'll get those done today!  And maybe cross a few more items off my goals for Bloggiesta!  

If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. I think you have already done a great job on the look and feel of your blog. I feel like I stepped into a library! There are not a lot of images on the front page and I love that I really do. Great goals for next year. Writing more reviews of what I have read is a big goal for me this year too!

  2. I haven't checked out any of the "old" challenges, I might look into some of them today!

    Good luck on meeting the rest of your goals/challenges!

  3. Wow. I'm learning so much from you guys and your bloggiesta! I need to get reading and commenting. And styling my blog. Or maybe I'll just read yours.

    go Melissa!

  4. Looks like you are doing awesome with bloggiesta so far! Hope you meet all of your goals :-)

  5. You're doing great! Keep up the good work!

  6. Great goals! I am loving the challenges too because they provide such useful information!

  7. Thanks for visiting! I'm mostly doing my own goals for bloggiesta, but I did look at a few of the mini challenges and see if I can do something. You're doing great at tracking them!

  8. Thanks for all of your positive comments everyone! They really help me to keep going.

  9. I think your blog is just fine already.

  10. Andie, you are so very kind! Thanks for reading and commenting so often :)


Love it when you comment!