Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bloggiesta Final Update

Friends, I'm afraid I've reached my limit.  It has been very fun and also extremely beneficial!  A huge thanks again to Natasha of Maw Books, who put together everything and is an all around great blogger!  Here's what I managed to accomplish:

I finished a few more mini-challenges, including:

Danielle from There’s a Book – Blogging takes time & I’m sure we’d all love to blog faster.  Using a cheat sheet is just one idea of how to save time. (Love my cheat sheet and keep thinking of more links/items I should have on there.)
Chelle from Tempting Persephone – You have some great content.  But can people find it?  Here’s showing off the best of the best. (I thought of a few posts that I spent a lot of time on and one's I thought might be useful to others - you can see them in my comment here and hopefully soon on my sidebar)
Jenn from Jenn’s Bookshelves – Got nothing to say (not likely – that’s why you’re blogging in the first place!) but here is an opportunity to brainstorm blogging topics. (I came up with some interesting and hopefully useful ideas for future blog posts, see them in my comment here.)

Here are the goals I set and what I accomplished from that list:

Update my reviews by title and author links I'm fully updated!
Update my goodreads account Everything's up-to-date!
Work on posts that have odd formatting (For the most part)
Write lots of review posts (I finished seven and prepared four more)
Organize my challenges (so few, and yet so many things to do)

Decide on weekly post ideas (yeah, not so much here)
Clean up sidebars (updated blog roll - leave me a commment if you're not on it!)
Possibly update my header and other pictures (What do you think of the new header?)

Think of good bookish topics to post about (Thanks to Jenn's mini-challenge from above!)

I also managed to comment on at least 10 new blogs and several of my old favorites.  It is always a blast to see new blogs and old blogs that are making new changes!

I definitely didn't make my goal of 18 hours :(  However, I did manage to get about 15 hours and 40 minutes worth of work on my blog!  Hooray for improvements (well, at least we hope they are improvements)!

I really liked having a variety of mini-challenges to choose from, especially ones that don't take too much extra time to do. Also, it was nice to have encouragement from other bloggers and to be able to provide encouragement in return!

I hope everyone got most of what they wanted done and that we can have another Bloggiesta in our future (cause I know I'll get behind again)!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. Ole!!! Glad you got a lot done. And 15 hours is fantastic!

  2. Cool lookin' header! Great job on all your goals.

  3. Great job! :) I still have a bit to go. Today is post day!!!

  4. I like the new header! I think 15 hours is a lot of time to put into your blog -- and it looks great!

  5. Nice work and I like the look of your new header!

  6. Check you out! Great job! I really like your header too :o)

  7. Congrats on accomplishing all that you did. These mini-challenges are fun and helpful. I have really been enjoying visiting new (to me) blogs and leaving comments. It helps widen my perspective on the community. As a librarian, you might like checking out the book battle page on my blog.

  8. Thank you all so much for your positive thoughts! I had so much fun!


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