Friday, January 8, 2010

Bloggiesta Goals are Better Than Resolutions

Well, at least I might actually accomplish some of these ideas for Bloggiesta.

Bloggiesta (hosted by the wonderful Natasha of Maw Books) starts today and I am aiming to spend at least 18 hours working on the ole blog.  Here are some of the ideas and hopes I have planned:

Update my reviews by title and author links
Update my goodreads account
Work on posts that have odd formatting (sorry about the odd posts) (sorta)
Write lots of review posts (yes, I am behind)
Organize my challenges (so few, and yet so many things to do)
Decide on weekly post ideas
Clean up sidebars (updated blog roll - leave me a commment if you're not on it!)
Possibly update my header and other pictures

Think of good bookish topics to post about

And whatever else I can think of!

Let the party begin!
If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. 18 hours! I hope I can do that much. In an ideal world, I would be at our cabin this weekend alone with my laptop, an endless supply of diet pepsi and almonds 9for substance!) and tapping away all weekend long. Instead I have laundry, and appointments, and friends with new home housewarming get togethers(darn them!LOL)

    Have a blast! :) I think I will get most of my time in late night!

  2. Vasilly, thanks

    Sheila, I think I may have overestimated the amount of time I could spend on it. Thus far, I have done nothing. Sigh.

  3. Well, I'm sure you'll get started soon. I'll be doing so much cheerleading that I'm sure I won't get anything done of my own. Good luck!

  4. Good Luck with all of your great goals! And have fun!
    Make sure to take advantage of my cheat sheet mini-challenge, it will help in the case you happen to lose those sidebars you work on!

  5. Natasha, I have (finally) started. I hope you find time to do some of what you want!

    Amused, thank you.

    The1stdaughter, that sounds like something I should definitely do. I have lost sidebars before and it was very sad for me :)

  6. Looks like you are doing great so far! Have fun. I'm taking a little break to go comment for a bit.


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