Friday, September 4, 2009

Not Allowed to Browse

This week, I had an experience in the library. It reminded me why I do not usually allow myself the privilege of wandering through the shelves. My husband and I dropped by to pick up some holds for me, but we decided to spend a few minutes in the stacks.

It has been quite a while since I did this. I remember why I "banned" myself from it. You see, after only about 10 minutes, I had to drag myself away and haul my books upstairs to check out. Here is what I just couldn't leave behind:

Betsy-Tacyby Maud Hart Lovelace
Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesiaby Elizabeth Gilbert
The Eyre Affair: A Thursday Next Novelby Jasper Fforde
The First Part Lastby Angela Johnson
A Gentleman of Leisureby P.G. Wodehouse (my first by him!)
GossamerLois Lowry
If You Come Softlyby Jacqueline Woodson
Shugby Jenny Han
Thornspellby Helen Lowe
Wait Till Next Year: A Memoirby Doris Kearns Goodwin
Graceling by Kristin Cashore (a reread)

(rather an eclectic collection)

I also got a copy of The Private Papers of Eastern Jewel: A Novelby Maureen Lindley from the publisher for review

Oh, and did I mention that I apparently still had a hold on a certain book that I was whining about not getting THE day it came out? Yeah, got it from the library. Thank you library gods!


  1. You browse like I do!! I shouldn't be allowed to wander the library unsupervised.

  2. I probably shouldn't be allowed to browse either. But I set the limit of filling two bags, using the no-more-than-you-can-carry philosophy. Today, I went in for one book and came out with twenty-one. All impulses from browsing :)

  3. OH, HAHAHAHA! I'm SO glad I'm not the only one... though I'm just as bad with my hold list!

  4. You found some good titles....I recently read "Wait Till Next Year" and loved it. "Eat, Pray, Love" is another favorite of mine but beware of some adult parts. I did love the description, in the first part of the book, of her answer to prayer one night. It really touched my soul. Enjoy your library finds.

  5. I don't browse much for exactly that reason!

    Hope you enjoy The Eyre Affair. I really enjoy that series - so much fun!

    As for that book, well, I can't wait to read it either!

  6. Britt, I definitely need supervision!

    Becky, good idea setting limits (two bags! wow!)

    Melissa, yeah I have a pretty hefty hold list too, but at least they don't usually all come in at the same time.

    Jones Family, thanks for the heads up! I am looking forward

    Marg, I picked Eyre Affair up solely for the description!

  7. I'm the same way...especially if I go to the library without my little ones. I just can't seem to help myself :) The Eyre Affair is a great read BTW!

  8. samantha, I can imagine having kids with out is a slight deterrent! I'm really glad I picked up Eyre Affair, since lots of people loved it.

  9. I heart Jasper Fforde.
    I also need to pick up some P.G. Wodehouse.


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