Thursday, September 3, 2009

Book Review: The Maze Runner by James Dashner

*ARC provided by publisher*
The Maze Runnerbegins when Thomas wakes up in the dark with no memory of his family, friends, and past. He arrives in the Glade where he is welcomed by the other boys who have come, one a month, for more than two years. No one really knows why they are here, but they have been trying to find a way out through the Maze - a treacherous, ever-changing, beast-inhabited giant puzzle. When the very next day a girl shows up, things in the Glade begin to change - and not for the better.

Things I Liked:
Throughout the book, we see the Glade, the Maze, and everything through Thomas' eyes - and we feel everything he does: mostly confusion, anger, and fear. I could not put this book down! Every page was filled with terrifying surprises and unexpected twists. We feel Thomas' frustration first-hand! I was really drawn into his character and felt like I was right there running with him. This was exciting, full of adventure, mysterious and thought-provoking. And I CAN'T WAIT for the sequel. Dang cliff-hanger ending!

Things I Didn't Like:
At times I got so annoyed that I didn't know anything (neither did Thomas) that I wanted to throw the book. But, I couldn't unglue it from my hand, because I had to know what happened. I was frustrated with the unfamiliar language, but that was because Thomas was as well. Everything he feels and sees, I did as well. Which made for a lot of frustration, anxiety, fear, and confusion, but a very real character :)

Felt a lot like The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

s-factor: none
they use words that aren't quite cuss words (shuck and shank)

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->->->
definitely some violence and scary stuff that happens

Overall rating: *****

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