Monday, January 28, 2013

ALA Youth Media Awards 2013: Printz, Newbery, and the Like

So, it is an exciting day for folks in the youth and YA book field - we get to hear the ALA Youth Media Award winners announced!  I love to follow the announcements and read people's reactions (on twitter).  I managed to follow along while it happened and had a few reactions of my own.  Here's a list of the ones that I noticed.  For a full list, head to the ALA Youth Media Awards page.

Morris Award (for debut authors): Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
I've got this one checked out and waiting for me.  I've heard many good things, so I'm pretty excited.

Margaret A. Edwards Award (for significant contribution to YA lit): Tamora Pierce
I may have discovered her late (like, last year) but I've enjoyed all I've read of hers (Song of the Lioness and Trickster) and I know she's had a big impact on a lot of people.

Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults: Bomb: The Race to Build--and Steal--the World's Most Dangerous Weapon by Steve Sheinkin
Another I haven't read, but this one popped up on a LOT of lists.  And at least I'd heard of it :)

Printz Award: In Darkness Nick Lake
Honors: Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein, The White Bicycle by Beverly Brenna, Dodger by Terry Pratchett, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
Way to go again, Printz, for picking something I hadn't heard of.  I had high hopes that my beloved Code Name Verity would take the prize, but an honor is ok too.  And it's the only one I've read of the bunch.  Ugh.

Newbery Award: One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate
Honors: Bomb: The Race to Build--and Steal--the World's Most Dangerous Weapon by Steven Sheinkin, Splendors and Glooms by Laura Amy Schlitz, Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage
I did a little better with this one than Printz, having actually read the winner.  I also just finished Splendors and Glooms, so that's two from the list!  Not much to brag about, but not too bad.

Laura Ingalls Wilder Award (for substantial contribution to children's lit):  Katherine Paterson
A great choice, I think.  She's got a number of fabulous books, including Bridge to Terabithia, The Great Gilly Hopkins, Jacob Have I Loved, and more recently The Flintheart.

Caldecott Medal: This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen
I don't normally pay attention to this one as I've not read many picture books.  However, when this one took the prize, I had to say proudly - I've read it.  Thanks to Danielle, I got a glimpse of it before publication and found it just as lovely as the Caldecott committee did.  

My one notably overlooked book was Wonder by R.J. Palacio.  I couldn't believe it didn't even get a Schneider!  With all the talk (and it wasn't all just talk - this was a seriously good book), I was a bit flabbergasted not to see it show up anywhere.

What are your thoughts on the winners?  What book(s) do you wish had gotten some love?

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  1. I really love Bomb, so I'm glad that it got some love. I also really liked Three Times Lucky (I haven't read the other two).

    The Printz seems like such a random award to me. I have rarely heard of most of the books that win/honor. Though this year I've read CNV and I'm about 3/4 of the way through Dodger, so that's...something.

    1. I'm excited to get to Bomb, as I've heard lots of good things. I've got Three Times Lucky waiting for me on my shelf too. Yeah, I'm starting to think Printz is very random :)

  2. I loved The One and Only Ivan!! And yes, I too am disappointed that Code Name Verity only got an "honor." But wow...until you mentioned it, I can't believe Wonder didn't get a nod for anything! Or, Fault of Our Stars, for that matter?!

    1. Fault did get an Odyssey I think it was - for the audiobook. It was a bit surprising, but I was very sad to see Wonder so passed over. Good thing I'm not on any committees :)


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