Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Titles of 2013

It's been a good long while since I joined in for a Top Ten Tuesday (and even longer since I did an I Actually NEED It post) and today's topic is perfect for both.  I've got 2013 on the brain and here are (some) of my most anticipated titles coming just around the corner:

Across a Star-Swept Sea by Diana Peterfreund
I nearly peed my pants when I saw Ms. Peterfreund's announcement for this 2013 novel.  Not only is it another retelling (and you know how I love those), but it's a Scarlet Pimpernel retelling!  I have some serious love for that book/movie/story/play.  And it's futuristic, in the same world as For Darkness Shows the Stars.  This book has all the makings of something I will adore.  Yeah!

Prodigy by Marie Lu
I'm dying to know more about Day and June and what happens next.  I'm expecting this book to be a total rush from beginning to end.  And just to make you all jealous, I happen to have an ARC so I won't be waiting until next year to pick it up (I hope).

Clariel: The Lost Abhorsen by Garth Nix
Seriously, this one has been making me jittery with anticipation since I heard Nix was working on a new book.  I devoured the Abhorsen trilogy and assumed it would stay a trilogy.  I'm pleased as punch to be wrong.

Fox Forever by Mary Pearson
Yeah!  More Jenna Fox and the thought-provoking medical ethics that make Pearson's Jenna Fox Chronicles so compelling.

Shades of Earth by Beth Revis
Despite some issues I've had with these books, I still can't tear myself away from the space-glorifying goodness.  And yes, I'm interested in Amy and Elder too. :)

Everbound by Brodi Ashton
The ending of Everneath left me seriously dying to know what happens next.  Nikki can't leave me hanging like that and I need to have more.

Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pyke
Um, see number 1 above?  I can't believe that I would be so lucky as to have TWO retellings of The Scarlet Pimpernel in one year.  Retellings are the best!  (Seriously, check out yesterday's announcement for my Retell Me a Story celebration.)

Mind Games by Kiersten White
Kiersten White wrote this book in nine days or something.  I think I need to read it.  Plus, it sounds so crazy and I adore Kiersten for so many reasons (really, read her blog and you'll understand).

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
You knew there would be another retelling on here, right?  I thought Cinder was an awesome retelling of Cinderella and I can't wait to see where this next book, the Red Riding Hood story goes.

Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans
I've been anticipating this one for a long time.  Fortunately, I've also got an ARC of it, so I'll probably get it read before next year.  But for now, I'm still anticipating :)

What do you want to read from 2013?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Kiki Strike: The Darkness Dwellers is what I'm most looking forward to reading in 2013. So excited!!! And, to a lesser extent, The False Prince Book 2.

    1. I haven't read any of the Kiki Strike books, but I'm excited for the False Prince book 2 as well!

  2. I love The Lunar Chronicles and was super excited to get an ARC of SCARLET (which I adored, BTW). I'm excited about MIND GAMES as well.

    1. Ack! You made me put my jealous pants on when you mentioned your ARC of Scarlet :). Glad you loved it!

  3. These are some great books! A few of them I wanted to put on my list, but it was really hard to pick just 10. :) I'm really excited to see what Mind Games will be like, because it sounds very different from the Paranormalcy books.

    1. I know what you mean about only picking just 10! There are so many great books coming out next year.

  4. I'm excited for Everbound's release too. I want to talk about it with people, lol. And, I'm looking forward to Scarlet even though I haven't read Cinder yet. But, I'm sure I'll love them with all the great stuff I've heard.

    1. I'm so glad you loved Everbound, it makes me even more excited :). You will love Cinder, I'm quite sure.

  5. Scarlet and Shades of Earth are 2 of my most anticipated books for next year too ... I think I'm excited about way more books than I can possibly read!

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Oh, I know what you mean. I haven't even read all the books from 2012 and before then that I want to.

  6. I just heard about Across a Star Swept Sea today and I'm so excited for it! I love retellings. I need to read Scarlet Pimpernel now so I can read both of the retellings coming out. :) Great list! you have good taste :)

    1. Definitely pick up Scarlet Pimpernel and then the retellings. Especially if you do it for the Classic Double Challenge :)

  7. Melissa!! Thanks so much for including LEVEL 2 on your list <3


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