Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Unfinished Series

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is our top ten unfinished series.  I decided to include three types of unfinished series: the gave-up, the procrastination, and the not-yet-released. 

Gave up:
He's So/She's So trilogy by Kieran Scott
After the second one I just can't bring myself to continue reading this super gossipy, soap opera story.  I kind of lost interest in the characters too.

Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick
I made it to book three before I gave up.  I should have stopped at the first one, probably, but number two wasn't as bad as I expected.  But the repetitive nature of book three and the romance just tipped this one into the realm of forever-unfinished.

The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
I quite enjoyed those first three books, but I got really sick of the fourth one and just couldn't bring myself to continue reading about Clary and Jace's forever back and forth and then dealing with the same issues as before.  Should have ended after three.

Curseworkers series by Holly Black
I truly enjoyed the first two books, even have the third one on my shelf.  Why haven't I picked it up?

Demon's Lexicon series by Sarah Rees Brennan
Same story as above.  And yes, I have the book on my shelf - perhaps that's the problem?

Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater

Dreamhunter Duet by Elizabeth Knox
I actually don't have the book for this one waiting for me, but what's even worse is it's only two books!  And the second one earned a Printz honor.  What's wrong with me?

Betsy-Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace
I fully intended to read these ones, since I didn't have them as a kid.  I picked up the first two and thought them lovely, but haven't been back since.

Not yet released:
Matched series by Ally Condie
Can't wait!

Divergent series by Veronica Roth
Along with everyone else.

What series have you not finished and why not?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Lol. I'm gonna come steal your Demon's Lexicon books so then you'll feel the urgent need to run out and get one so you can FINISH it! ;)

    1. That would probably give me a boost in the right direction. I still can't believe I don't just go get it RIGHT now!

  2. I've heard a lot of good things about the Divergent and Matched series--I think I need to check them out. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  3. I haven't finished Wolves of Mercy Falls either. I just need to read Forever, but I'm having such a hard time picking it up. I think I'm worried I'll hate it.

    And, I haven't read City of Lost Souls yet either. I have no excuse for this one.

    1. Yeah, I'm a bit worried about some of the end of series books too. Especially ones I loved.

  4. My friend just handed me the first book of a six part series (The Codex Alera) -- it's times like these that make my TBR pile shake.

    1. Ha ha! I love that. Nothing like starting a good long series to break the pile :)

  5. Interesting list. We have some of the same books, but different reasons. I was super annoyed with TMI and thought the same thing, but dang it if she didn't woo me back with the most recent one. It was so much better! Maybe I don't need to worry about finishing He's So? I only read the first one. Hush, Hush is my dirty little secret. I got sucked right into that awful melodrama! Love Curse Workers, book 3 was super, but not a fan of Shiver at all. This was a fun topic! Here is my list http://wp.me/pzUn5-1dc

    1. See, I didn't bother to pick up that most recent TMI book :) I got tired of all the drama of He's So, but if you're still interested, you might like them. Series are so fun!

  6. I only made it through the first two of Hush, Hush as well. I'm also on the fence about the next Mortal Instruments books too. I'm not sure there needed to be anymore. I'm going to wait until all three are out before tackling them. I haven't finished The Curse Workers either, despite really enjoying the first one. Excellent list.
    Megan @ Read It, See It

    1. Yeah, I'm not concerned about finishing Mortal Instruments, but hope you get to enjoy them! I think waiting until a series is complete is a great way to read them.

  7. yeah, sometimes I wish that if there is an insistence in continuing in the same 'world' that they shift and create companion novels instead of drawing it out with the same main protagonists.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

    1. I LOVE companion novels so much more, usually, than drawn out sequels.

  8. I think there's something to your "having the book on the self" theory. I sometimes don't get to books once I own them because I know they aren't going anywhere.

    Um, yeah, why haven't you picked up the third Curse Workers book?! ;)

    1. It's really too bad about those books we own. They can be so good!

  9. Betsy Tacy gets better and better! And just before the very end, you get to read a book I LOVE--Emily of Deep Valley.

    1. I really don't know why Betsy-Tacy hasn't sucked me in again. I enjoyed them a lot and I want to get to those end books!

  10. I gave up on The Mortal Instruments, too. But I like her other series and will probably finish that. And I'm excited to see how the Matched series wraps up. Crossed kind of let me down, but I'm hoping the last book will be as good as the first.

    1. I might finish that series too, though I stopped reading the second one part-way through for unknown reasons :) Hopefully Reached will return you to the Matched love!

  11. Ditto on the Mortal Instruments. After I read book 4 I gave up in disgust. I did drop Hush Hush after the first book and I feel happy about that decision.

    1. Yeah, I'm ok with leaving Hush, Hush where it is. Same with TMI. Glad to know I'm not entirely alone :)

  12. I never have picked up the second book in the Forest of Hands and Teeth series. I really didn't like the main character in the first book and not sure I can stand any more of her whining. Also, maybe I just don't love zombie books.

    1. It just so happens that the second (and third) Forest of Hands and Teeth have different main characters than the first book, so definitely give it a try sometime (unless you really don't like zombie books :)


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