Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Lord of the Rings Tribute

Since today is Hobbit Day, the 75th anniversary for The Hobbit being published, (and a Happy Birthday to Frodo and Bilbo), and the Hobbit movie coming soon, I thought I'd share a bit of myself.  I happen to be a Lord of the Rings fan.  Just a bit.  Ok, I had an obsession for a while.  I'm pretty sedate now, I think.  (Just wanted to note that I was a fan of the books way before the movies came out.  They just seemed to fuel my obsession.  Carry on.)

Here I am at perhaps the height of my obsession:
 Dressed as Galadriel (note the pointy ears - that was fun) and with a friend I convinced to go as Arwen.  It was for Halloween, I promise.

The next year, I went as Eowyn, my favorite, though I look about the same as last year.  Minus the pointy ears (and the smile).  Too bad you can't see all the details of the dress, cause it was pretty awesome.
In my defense, a friend of mine got the Legolas stand up for me.  I would never have been brave enough to get it myself.  Which isn't to say I didn't enjoy it, obviously :)

Um, some  more Halloween fun.  It looked pretty good with a candle in it.  So good that someone stole it.  I was a bit upset about that.

My family might have noticed my obsession and got me a LOTR cake one year.  It was pretty great.

Here I am devouring a Hobbit hole :)

My mom, who is fabulous as sewing, helped me make this.  Personally, I think it's beautiful, but I may be biased.  I designed and cut out all the elements (borrowing from the designs in the movies and Tolkien's own work). 

My favorite part is the stitching around the edges (which you can't really see here).  It's the "One ring to rule them all..." verse in elvish script.  Oh, the geekery blows my mind.

And of course I have a shelf dedicated to Tolkien.  I'm seriously lacking in beautiful editions of his published works, though.  I need to get on that.

And a bit of art on the walls.

In the library, of course.

And with that embarrassment out of the way, were you ever obsessed with a series/book/movie to this degree?  (Please say yes.)

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  1. Wait, why didn't I get to be Arwen? It was because I didn't speak french wasn't it? Really though, thanks for not pulling me into that.

    The photo with Legs is classic. I haven't seen the quilt though! Truly amazing detail.

    I had something obsession-ish wish Holes. But it climaxed and ended with wearing a red jumpsuit with Linda to the theater. We couldn't find orange ones at Savers.

    1. I think this was pre-Kay days in the apartment :) I don't know why you wouldn't want to dress like an elf! I totally remember the Holes obsession - Linda wore her jumpsuit to Disneyland. It was fabulous.

  2. What a fun post, Melissa! I love all the LOTR geekery. Awesome. I'm not that obsessed with any series, but it makes me smile when others are :)

    1. Yeah, it's a bit embarrassing, but I'm pretty ok with it. :)

  3. I love this! And yeah, I tend to jump from obsession to obsession. My LOTR phase was a few years ago (going along with the movies, but like you I was a fan of the books first) and it was pretty bad, but at least I shared it with my husband. :D You should see our LOTR action figure collection, which we displayed in our living room when we were newlyweds. I'm currently trying to keep him from buying all the new LOTR legos! We also have a replica of Glamdring that my brother gave us as a wedding gift. I totally don't admit this things in public but I'm glad you understand. :D We're definitely kindred spirits! I LOVE your quilt and totally want one and I also have a map of middle earth up in my home, right in my kids toy room.

    (By the way, I'm pretty sure I know your friend Arwen - we played the flute together in high school. Do we know each other in real life???)

    1. I met "Arwen" in college, so I'm not sure our paths crossed, but that would be cool! I didn't include photos of the figurines and such I collected (they were the cheap ones). I have to admit I'm super jealous of your sword replica, though. I desperately wanted one of those :)

  4. LOL! I'm so amused at your geekery! I get obsessed with things but apparently not enough. ;)

    1. Yeah, I think my fanatic days are over. For now, anyway :)

  5. This is SO SO awesome! Wow, the picture with Legolas looks so real. And I love the quilt. Ah, I need to make a literary themed quilt. I will ponder this...

    1. I had considered sending out fake wedding announcements with that photo of me a Legolas. I thought better of it, or my obsession would be more widely known (and made fun of). I would love to see a literary-themed quilt you make! It was a lot of fun.

  6. Great stuff! I love the poster cut out and the pumpkin! Classic. I dressed up as Bella from Twilight and made my husband be Edward one year for Halloween. My husband's a hot Edward if I do say so myself. Not many people even knew we were dressed up so that was fun. My hubby even had the honey contacts! Here's the link to the post with a picture. :)

    1. Awesome! I don't think I'd have convinced my husband to dress as Edward (plus, he's not really a look-alike). That's awesome he got the contacts though! Glad to know I'm not the only crazy one :)

  7. what a fun post! Your quilt is very awesome.

    No need to be embarrassed over an LOTR obsession. I went through a phase of being totally obsessed with the Twilight series. At least LOTR is good :)

  8. Yay for LOTR! I wrote my college application essay on how the LOTR set the course for my life...and I got in to the college I wanted to go to (Bryn Mawr).


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