Monday, July 16, 2012

Listless Monday: Setting Edition

Listless Monday was inspired by both Amanda at A Bookshelf Monstrosity's feature Books by Theme and Court at Once Upon a Bookshelf's Listed feature. Be sure to check out their lists!

It's been much too long since I've done a Listless Monday post and it's long overdue.  I've been thinking about this particular topic for a while too, since I simply love books with a big sense of setting.  When the place or location plays almost as important a part as a character.  Or just when it stands out as a specific part of the book.  I especially wanted to include futuristic stories where we get a glimpse of the bones of our familiar places with new aspects covering the surface.  So, here's a sample of books I could think of.  As always, I welcome your suggestions.

Legend by Marie Lu (future LA)
Little Brother by Cory Doctorow (future San Francisco)
Divergent by Veronica Roth (future Chicago)
Vixen by Jillian Larkin (past Chicago)
All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin (future NY)
Partials by Dan Wells (future NY)
The Luxe series by Anna Godberson (past NY)
Bright Young Things by Anna Godberson (past NY)
The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare (past New England)
Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi (future Gulf Coast area)
Ruined by Paula Morris (New Orleans)
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (South Carolina)
Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley (Arkansas)
Queen of Kentucky by Alecia Whitaker (Kentucky)
Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson (past Montana)
Dairy Queen by Catherine Gilbert Murdock (Wisconsin)
Crossed by Ally Condie (future Southern Utah)
Cinder by Marissa Meyer (future Beijing)
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld (alternate past England and Europe) (suggested by Megan)
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld (future America) (suggested by Megan)
The Marbury Lens by Andrew Smith (alternate/fantasy England) (suggested by Megan)

Any suggestions?

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  1. Nice list. I love reading books that take a city and imagine its future. So fun!

    1. Same here. I love to see an imagined future city.

  2. Great list! I would add Leviathan and Uglies by Scott Westerfeld-totally different settings but each very cool. Also, The Marbury Lens by Andrew Smith. Very disturbing (imaginary) setting, but key to the story.


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