Thursday, April 12, 2012

Prom and Other Terrors - A Giveaway!

Thanks to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, I've got a fun spring giveaway for you.  April brings to mind flowers and showers and best of all - prom!  That crazy, fun, romantic, scary, depressing, you-name-it-emotion high school rite of passage.  I remember worrying so much every year about whether I'd go to prom.  It's amazing the feelings that still come when someone says the word "prom."  The anticipation, the worry that you won't get asked, the worry over dresses and boys and whether or not you'll get kissed (what can I say, prom for me was pretty innocent). 

And to celebrate this experience, HMH has four prom books to give away to one lucky reader!  You can find HMH on Facebook and on Twitter - go check them out.

Illuminate by Aimee Agresti
Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick by Joe Schreiber
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey
The Fashion Coloring Book by Carol Chu and Lulu Chang

The contest will end on April 22 and I'll announce a winner on the 23rd.  HMH will send the prize directly to the winner.  All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, telling me one good or bad thing about your own prom experience (or lack of experience, as the case may be).  Then just fill out the form below.  US addresses only and you must be 13 or older to enter.  And if you're very lucky, I'll post a nice photo of my friends and myself dressed up with our "dates" (that ought to keep you intrigued for a few minutes anyway).  Good luck!

So, tell us your prom experiences!  The good, the bad, the ugly. 

Contest closed - winner was Ashley of Bookcase Siren!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I remember more about after prom than prom because there were actually fun games to play rather than only dancing with overly loud music. We could actually converse at after prom. One game involved getting in a transparent box and catching bills as they rained down and blew around. The game was surprisingly difficult and I hardly caught any bills! (commenting as Justine)

    1. Your after prom sounds much funner than the dance - though, I usually thought the dances themselves weren't that exciting. Were they dropping dollar bills? Now that sounds awesome!

  2. Replies
    1. At least you have a memory with someone you still care about :)

  3. I actually didn't go to prom. Surprisingly, it was a pre-decided decision. :)

    1. Good for you! I kinda wish I'd been one of those who didn't care :)

  4. Maybe I'm not as romantic as you, but the very word Prom brings up bad feelings. I went to one, hated it (so awkward), and did everything I could to avoid it the next year :).

    1. Oh, it does bring up the bad feelings too - I think they might be more directed at the person I went with, though :)

  5. My prom date and high school sweet heart picked me up for prom every year with the temptation's brown eyed girl blaring. It was sweet. :)

    1. That does sound sweet - I'm glad all prom experiences aren't horrifying!

  6. I never went to prom.

    1. Did that bother you or were you ok with it? Lots of people were ok not going, but I was too obsessed with things like that back then to not care :)

  7. Our prom limo didn't come. But we got there somehow. it was kind of a mess but I had a good time

    1. Sounds just like it should be, messy but still fun :)

  8. Well half of the kids at my prom got kicked out for drinking so it was kind of awkward to be taking pictures and dancing when you are hearing and seeing about 50 people hysterically crying and yelling about 15ft away including the prom queen.

    So to the class of 2010 thanks for the memories!

    1. Wow, sounds like it was memorable, anyway :) Looking back at the drama is always interesting, isn't it?

  9. Prom was fun! My junior year I was really liking the guy and had a blast. My senior year, I got my first kiss by my now husband! :)

    1. Ah, how fun you went to prom with your future hubby AND got your first kiss! Glad to know there are happy prom stories too :)

  10. I didn't go to my junior year prom but did go to my senior year and I had this 'genius' idea that it'd be awesome to go with my guy friend and it ended up being horribly awkward when he decided to confess his feelings for me. I went home early. hahaha

    1. Ah, nothing like awkward confessions of love. Too bad! It could be lots of fun going with just a friend.

  11. I went both my senior & junior years. Another girl from a dif. school showed up in the exact same dress as me my junior year. (My date and I looked better w/ red dress & white tux...her date was in black. Okay, I'm a little bias.) Senior year I had a hot pink dress and had my hair up like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

    1. Sounds like you had fun, even if the dress was the same. And at least you felt like you rocked the outfits too!

  12. I'm going to prom for the first time in a few weeks! Can't wait it's going to be amazing. (:

  13. I'm not going to go to prom for two more years. I love Homecoming though!

    1. Formal dances, in my experience, are all about the same :) I love the anticipation, though!

  14. I'm not a Homecoming/Prom type of person. Actually, my Junior Prom is tomorrow night, but I'm not going. I may go to Senior Prom, but it's not likely. I just don't like all the hassle behind it, and it's not even that fun (or so I hear).

    1. It is a lot of hassle and a good possibility that it will not be fun. Maybe next year and then again, maybe not :)

  15. OMG my prom was sooooo long ago! In my jr year, I had on the cutest hot pink bubble dress. It was so short, though, and I kept pushing it down, making the bubble look...wonky! Thanks for this trip down memory lane.

    1. Wow, I'm not even sure what a bubble dress is, but it sounds uncomfortable :)


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