Thursday, April 12, 2012

Celebrating Libraries and Reading!

It's National Library Week...and I've got no planned celebrations.  Boo.  But, I thought I'd tell everyone to head out to a library this week.  Appreciate the services offered by them (and, you know, the librarians, cause they are awesome too :).

If you're looking to find out what great libraries are near you, check out these links from Find the Data to find and compare local public or academic libraries.  It's kind of fun to look at stats of the libraries nearest you.

Anywho, get out and celebrate libraries and reading, because it's Support Teen Literature Day today!  So if you want to Rock the Drop (ie leave a book lying around for someone else to enjoy) please do!  I think I'll take a few ARCs and leave them around my town for someone to discover.  Lots of great things to celebrate this week!  (And I have a giveaway coming up later today - be sure to come by later to find out more.) 
What do you plan to do to celebrate National Library Week or Teen Literature Day?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I am so grateful we have a library just two blocks away! It is invaluable! Steve took Moses today. Does that count for something?

    1. Using the library any day is totally celebrating - that's what they are there for. I'm quite sad that we moved from the place where we could walk to the library. It's much harder to go when we can't just walk.


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